[Vision2020] Learning to read - a First Grade skill
DonaldH675 at aol.com
DonaldH675 at aol.com
Thu Jun 16 23:27:14 PDT 2005
Visionaries and Donovan,
Careful reading is a useful skill Donovan - and one that seems to have
escaped you.
In fact, the rental for the Kibbie Dome - catch that word rental, Donovan? -
for the Trinity Festival, an event which runs from Sunday morning until
Wednesday night, is $3,000. Basic math is the next skill needed here. Let's see
$3,000 divided by 4 (hold on to you hat, Donovan, this is tricky) is
$750/day. It is not rocket science, it is 4th grade math. And, guess what? It is
exactly what Saundra said it was.
Are there associated costs? Of course. However, they are not rental, they
are for setting up - breaking down - and custodial service. They total
$6,000. Hell bells, don't take my word for it - take a look at the actual
contract which is scanned and up on line at:
Further, the standard fee for non-profit organizations to rent the Kibbie
Dome is $2,000/day (the Dome management figures a 20 hour day in this
situation). You tell us, Donovan, why a four day rental (and don't confuse the issue
with such difficult additional problems as set up and break down) doesn't
come out to $8,000? No answer, Donovan? Don't feel too badly about it, the UI
doesn't have one either. Maybe they need you back in the Senate? No, on
second thought, probably not.
Of course the entire event will cost more than $6,300 because more is
involved than use of the building. If one is planning a jazzy event, one needs
audio support, stages, chairs, etc. Let's take a close look at that part of the
contract next.
Please notice that this is the billing estimate from Conferences and Events.
Do you see the red box, Donovan? I grant you that the numbers are hard to
read but second grade math comes to the rescue. The first line below
Conferences and Events says:
the next line says: EVENTS SERVICES EQUIPMENT DONATIONS (50% OFF) $7, 160.00
next line:
News Flash, Donovan: You have just seen the operation of subtraction taking
place. $24,320 minus 7,160 equals: $17,160.00
Here is the only real question of interest, why the donation? The Idaho
constitution appears to forbid the use of state money for sectarian events.
Don't believe me, Donovan? Try this link out:
A summary of the expenditures related to the Kibbie Dome and Conferences and
events can be found at:
However, this is not the end of the story. Saundra and I filed another
public records request today. This one includes copies of contracts for the use
of the Student Union Ballroom, the Arboretum, the Golf Course and the UI
Auditorium. It is our sincere hope that none of this organizations are
"donating" any more of our tax dollars to this event. We shall see, and we shall ask
our webmaster to post the results of our public records request, just as we
always do. One of the many differences between us, Donovan, is that we don't
blow hot air and half-assed opinions, we provide independent documentation
to buttress our arguments.
The fact of the matter appears to be, Donovan, that either you are unable or
unwilling to absorb the reading material available. Your email was based on
a foundational mis-understanding of the word rent, and an event greater
ignorance of the other costly factors involved in staging another non-history
Your careful editing of Saundra's post, Donovan, overlooks the central part
of her message which, in essence is the same message I posted above.
"Of *course* your Trinity Festival is going to cost more than just the Dome
rental because you are making your Festival a production :-) As you should
be well aware, the facility rental -- the sole topic of my post -- is
separate from other services provided by say . . . Events Services,
University Dining Services, ITS Video Services, administrative service fees,
liability insurance, concession stands, printing, security, etc."
So, Donovan, why don't you turn that clever little mind of yours to ponder
the meaning of the word "donations." Sort out the reason for decreased rental
fees (remember the $2,000 x 4 days = $ $8,000. When you get those issues
settled maybe then you will have time to explain to the rest of us why you spend
so much time spinning your wheels and sputtering over non-issues.
Rose Huskey
PS The only apology due around here is from the Kirk - for bringing this
dog and pony show back to the University.
And by the way, when I add the $5,000 rent price break, to the donation of
$7,160 I get $12,160 that is going scot free to the Kirk. And you know what?
I don't feel so good about that.
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