[WSBARP] title elimination of manufactured home

Schmidt & Yee syaloha at gte.net
Thu Mar 30 20:09:05 PDT 2017

You may find a VIN underneath in the middle of mobile. That was where we found one on Estate property we were selling. It was almost unreadable so we had to put paper on it and rub it with lead. 

Or, if it is hooked up to sewer or water, you can try RCW 84.04.090, which I saw on the listserve previously.
This is the provision that the Auditor uses to consider it real property even if the title has not been eliminated:

RCW 84.04.090

"Real property."

The term "real property" for the purposes of taxation shall be held and construed to mean and include the land itself, whether laid out in town lots or otherwise, and all buildings, structures or improvements or other fixtures of whatsoever kind thereon, except improvements upon lands the fee of which is still vested in the United States, or in the state of Washington, and all rights and privileges thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining, except leases of real property and leasehold interests therein for a term less than the life of the holder; and all substances in and under the same; all standing timber growing thereon, except standing timber owned separately from the ownership of the land upon which the same may stand or be growing; and all property which the law defines or the courts may interpret, declare and hold to be real property under the letter, spirit, intent and meaning of the law for the purposes of taxation. The term real property shall also include a mobile home which has substantially lost its identity as a mobile unit by virtue of its being permanently fixed in location upon land owned or leased by the owner of the mobile home and placed on a permanent foundation (posts or blocks) with fixed pipe connections with sewer, water, or other utilities: PROVIDED, That a mobile home located on land leased by the owner of the mobile home shall be subject to the personal property provisions of chapter 84.56 RCW and RCW 84.60.040.

Pam Yee

Schmidt & Yee, PC

From: Robert S Schuck 
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2017 10:24 AM
To: 'WSBA Real Property Listserv' 
Subject: [WSBARP] title elimination of manufactured home

PC purchased a parcel with a manufactured home in 1997, trying to sell now, but King county assessor office reports a mobile home and lending bank requires a title elimination. To get that DOL says there needs to be VIN—unfortunately this manufactured home was built in Oregon and moved to Washington—there is no VIN for this manufactured home as one was not required in Oregon with the manufactured home was build. Anyone have any experience with this issue. 


Robert S. Schuck
Kennedy,Schuck & Miller, PLLC
1520 140th NE, Suite 200
Bellevue, WA 98005
(425)451-3760 (telephone)
(425)451-3878 (facsimile)
rsschuck at ksmlawfirm.com  


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