[WSBAPT] information on death certificates?

Andrekita Silva ak at seattle-silvalaw.com
Fri Jun 24 17:26:07 PDT 2022

  Law Office of
June 24, 2022    
Anyone can provide the information to the medical examiner. I’ve had  
incorrect information provided on a number of occasions but only went  
through the trouble of changing once when it was the deceased’s date  
of birth.  There is a form and it’s easy to do, at least on an  
objective piece of information like birth date.
I did have the wrong information included once as to the deceased’s  
occupation and education. The “friend” said the deceased was an  
aerospace engineer with a bachelor’s degree. The deceased actually had  
an A.A. in drafting but he had worked for Boeing.  I didn’t bother to  
correct the D.C.  A deceased’s profession could make a difference in  
the initial assessment of future lost earnings.  But, if future lost  
earnings is an issue, a party would need to produce more support than  
just the death certificate.
Unless the applicant is the original informant, proof is required to  
correct the DC.  Sometimes, a person might have not one occupation in  
particular and instead have multiple occupations. They might have one  
or two that cover living costs and one that they are working on-  
artists, actors, writers, or other professionals trying to break into  
their fields.  
I’m not sure why a death certificate inquires into a person’s  
occupation. Maybe in your case, the informant was so perplexed by the  
question, they just decided to put something wild to see if anyone at  
DOH was actually reading it and/ or cared.  
Law Office of F. Andrekita Silva
1325 Fourth Avenue, Suite 2000
Seattle, Washington 98101

Quoting Lynn Clare <lynnclare at clarelawfirm.com>:

> All
>    Client's father's death certificate contains what is surely a  
> joke about his "profession at the time of his death".  It's not  
> going to change anything, but the client asked where the information  
> had come from - and I realized I don't know.
>    Who supplies the information that gets incorporated into the  
> death certificate?  What if there is a crucial mistake (date of  
> birth or wife's name or something) that needs to be corrected?
>    Lynn Clare
>    Clare Law Firm
>    Fircrest, WA

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