[WSBAPT] Champerty

Katharine P. Bauer kpb at bpblegal.com
Fri Apr 11 09:11:22 PDT 2014

Just curious as to whether anyone has ever argued against those agents who
seek out heirs and promise to tell them what they are to get if they sign
off on a percentage of their inheritance - a commission or contingency
fee?  I currently have an intestate probate with about 3 million dollars .
We have had to go to the "issue of grandparents'" stage and have over 70
potential beneficiaries.  Due to some complexities of international
searches, some "Agents" are conducting searches at the same time as us.  I
think we have found most everyone, but am curious as to the means by which
some of these heirs tell me they were convinced to sign away their rights.
The following information is pertinent, but I am interested in whether any
of you have had luck defeating the assignments or contracts.  It irks me
that they would be receiving their entire inheritance if they hadn't been
somewhat misled.



Katharine P. Bauer
Bauer Pitman Bauer, PLLC
1235 Fourth Ave. East, Suite 200
Olympia, Washington 98501
tel. 360.754.1976
fax. 360.943.4427

e-mail:  <mailto:kpb at bpblegal.com> kpb at bpblegal.com

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