[Vision2020] Response to Website Contact (rec'd from TomandRodna.com)

Paul Rumelhart godshatter at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 26 22:54:41 PDT 2011

On 04/26/2011 08:09 AM, Rosemary Huskey wrote:
> Hi Tom and Visionaries,
> Because "Concerned" isn't concerned enough to sign his/her name we can
> easily dismiss his/her opinions.

While I can sympathize with this statement in a lot of different 
contexts, there are plenty of times where anonymity can be a good 
thing.  For example, when you want to state an unpopular opinion 
relating to a topic that is often demonized to such a degree that merely 
stating that someone is going too far can bring unwelcome pressure to 
bear upon yourself.

I'm not actually that "Concerned", though.


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