[Vision2020] What didn't make it through the censor due to my error in naming the subject "help"

Craine Kit kcraine at verizon.net
Tue Jan 6 16:29:21 PST 2009

Moscow is not equipped physically or mentally for the storms we are  
experiencing. There are many in this community -- particularly the  
elderly and disabled-who are now house-bound. These are ways each of  
you can help:

If you own and occupied property or rent it, make sure your sidewalks  
are cleared so pedestrians do not have to walk in the streets.

If a neighbor needs help with clearing their sidewalks, driveways, or  
roofs (where are roof rakes when one needs them--retailers can you  
order them?) --do it.

If you have elderly or disabled neighbors:

--- clear their sidewalks and driveways
--- offer to do their shopping or--better yet--give them a ride to  
--- if they don't have off-street parking, dig their cars out and  
help them move them so the streets can be plowed

Trying times such as these demonstrate whether a town is a bunch of  
attitudes or a community. Each of you will demonstrate which Moscow  
is by your actions and attitudes. Do you help or just make snide  

Kit Craine

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