[Vision2020] [Bulk] Re: Curious

Paul Rumelhart godshatter at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 15 21:45:12 PDT 2008

I should have been more clear.  When I said "Ok, with most of those I 
can see your point", I was referring to the other bills that were 
mentioned.  For example, "celebrating the life of Bishop Gilbert Earl
Patterson".  Nothing wrong with that, I think it's a good thing, but if 
you're looking for a list of "meaningful" bills according to his logic, 
then it falls short.

As for prior military service, I don't think that it should be a 
prerequisite for being President.  The military is a calling for a 
dedicated few, not something I believe that everyone should have to 
participate in (unless in time of real war - I'm talking invasion, not 
declaring war on an abstract concept).  However, the President is the 
Commander in Chief, so military service is a definite plus.  I'm not a 
McCain fan by any stretch of the imagination, but I do give him credit 
for his time spent in active service.  My political views don't often 
align with active military members, which I discovered while I was in 
the military, but I do respect them for their idealism and their bravery.

My fondness for a talented troll is something I've learned on various 
forums on the Internet.  It takes great skill to craft a message 
designed to enrage you without revealing what they are actually doing.  
If he really is a troll, then he might even be a Democrat.  He's just 
working hard to craft messages that provoke people like myself into just 
having to respond.

I don't think that Governor Palin was a good choice for Vice President, 
and I would not like to see her in the Oval Office.  She has just the 
wrong amount of far-right fundamentalism (i.e. greater than zero) for me 
to want her anywhere near being in charge.


joekc at roadrunner.com wrote:
> Paul,
> Do you think it is relevant that Obama didn't serve in the military? I mean, what wars were going 
> on when he was 18? What did he miss? And I don't get how pointing out that Obama is equally 
> unqualified (more or less) as Palin to be President isn't just explicitly noting what a bad choice it is 
> that McCain made (given especially how old he is and that Palin would be a heart beat away). In 
> this short run this "strategy" might work but how stupid do we think Americans are?
> Also, I guess that your appreciation for trolls must be a generational thing. I don't like them at
> all. I mean, what weight does the "criticism" of not serving in the military count coming from 
> someone who we know exactly nothing about. For all we know Schwaller is a draft dodger. If you 
> can't put your own name next to something, a post is worthless as far as I see it. As you would 
> note, a good argument is a good argument but testimonials about the relative importance of the 
> accomplishments of candidates strike me as worthless without a real name to back them up. What 
> are Schwaller's accomplishments? We'll never know, will we!
> --
> Joe Campbell
> ---- Paul Rumelhart <godshatter at yahoo.com> wrote: 
>> Ok, with most of those I can see your point.  But in today's world of 
>> high oil prices, dependence upon foreign oil, and the possible threat of 
>> global warming, why would you consider "a bill to increase the fuel 
>> economy standards of passenger cars" not to be meaningful legislation?  
>> What about the bill classifying children's products containing lead to 
>> be banned as hazardous substances?  Couldn't that somehow be considered 
>> meaningful?  You know, if you're one of those weirdos that likes kids to 
>> be healthy or something?
>> I don't think that God is "punishing" us for GW Bush.  I think GW Bush 
>> is punishing us for our stupidity and our gullibility these last eight 
>> years.
>> Paul
>> P.S.  Part of me suspects you're actually an accomplished troll.  If so, 
>> my hat's off to you - a job well done.
>> Glenn Schwaller wrote:
>>> Well shoot, considering the amount of time he's served in the Senate 
>>> (work days - less than half a year), amount of time served in the 
>>> military (zero), the amount of *meaningful* legislation he has 
>>> sponsored (I will NOT count resolutions "designating "National Summer 
>>> Learning Day", "supporting the goals and ideals of Sickle Cell Disease 
>>> Awareness Month", "celebrating the life of Bishop Gilbert Earl 
>>> Patterson", a bill to establish a VA Hospital report card, a bill to 
>>> increase the fuel economy standards of passenger cars, A bill to 
>>> direct the Consumer Product Safety Commission to classify certain 
>>> children's products containing lead to be banned hazardous substances 
>>> etc etc etc - so Zero meaningful legislation), and the fact he 
>>> couldn't get the security clearance needed to provide protection for 
>>> himself, it looks to me like any one of the Republican women listed 
>>> are better qualified than Obama.
>>> And God is "punishing" us for GW Bush?  Are you $%&#@ serious?!?!!?
>>> GS
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