[Vision2020] 9/11

Andreas Schou ophite at gmail.com
Fri Sep 5 17:29:07 PDT 2008

> It is modern history and yet, already we have groups within our borders
> which attempt to persuade us that 911 was a government conspiracy.  '

Don't look at me. Look across the water in Minneapolis, at the Ron
Paul paraconvention.

> And the notion that political parties should not utilize video to engage Americans
> in a reminder of the event is naive at best.

The notion that a political party should not use a great American
tragedy as a political cudgel is basic human decency, a concept about
which your Torture Party seems to have entirely forgotten.
Unfortunately, after the last six years, it appears to be naive to
expect them not to.

> And your hypocrisy is so blatant - your "world view" is so skewed.  Where is
> your "outrage" at the bilge spewed by Michael Moore. Why have you not
> condemned MoveOn.org for their endorsement of his film during the 2004
> presidential campaign.

Not this again. Here, let me give the 'condemn this!' game a try. Why
haven't I ever heard you condemn the Watergate break-in? Isn't it a
little suspicious that you've never said anything negative about the
Holocaust? Where's your outrage at Swift Boat Veterans for Truth?

Now, Jeff, why aren't you on the record saying anything bad about any
of these things? Hint: it wasn't the topic of our conversation*.

-- ACS

* Oh, and just in case he brings it up again: blah blah blah, pro
forma denunciation of a group I'm not a member of and their support of
a movie I've never seen.

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