[Vision2020] ACORN id bad? What about Republican Voter Caging?

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 15:46:13 PDT 2008

On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 15:04, No Weatherman <no.weatherman at gmail.com> wrote:

> Respectfully, I didn't see any examples of voter fraud in the links
> you sent and one article went so far as to say, "No evidence so far
> suggests Republicans — vote caging is essentially a GOP sport — have
> mounted a caging campaign this year."

Good.  hen you read exactly what I did, an admission that voter caging
is a GOP sport, even if none can be shown to have occurred this year.
Note that I didn't claim that it had.

> I realize that this admission is tantamount to an incontrovertible
> conviction of guilt against the Republican Party in your eyes and I
> know that from that statement you will likely conclude that ACORN is
> as pristine as Greek Thassos marble but I can't help that.

Nope.  I don't read into things.  The Republican Party is
approximately as guilty as the Democratic Party in practically any
area of malfeasance that you care to name.  I haven't suggested
otherwise.  What certain ACORN employees have done is incontrovertibly
 wrong.  Whether the entire organization deserves to be tarred remains
to be seen.

> Keep telling yourselve that Obama jumped from really bad ape-fig
> poetry (no, Ms. Mix, I am not referring to anything about race) to
> Dreams From My Father overnight and that Ayers contributed nothing to
> the tangled panoramic horizons of the ragged raging sea-faring vessel
> that resisted the cruel current to find its calm waters in the book.

Obama was 19 when he wrote his bad ape-fig poetry, and nearly 33 when
he, or Ayers, or someone else, wrote Dreams from My Father.  I don't
know who wrote Dreams, and neither do you.  I have already expressed
my dismay at the prospect of it having been ghostwritten.

So continue to misread me if you will.  It seems to make you happy.

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