[Vision2020] boycotting & religion

Christopher Witmer cdwitmer at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 17 16:15:53 PST 2007

If Auburn Avenue is a "church" (as opposed to being a real church), then the PCA is just a "denomination" and all of what they do is quite meaningless. The scare quotes do not apply, however: it is a real church, a real denomination, and what they do really matters, although not for reasons that you could understand. By the way, if you actually cared enough to read the article rather than simply pouncing with mindless glee on something that you thought you could brandish as a weapon against people you don't like, you would see that what is going on is much different from what you apparently see. The Louisiana Presbytery is being taken to task, not the Auburn Avenue Church or Pastor Wilkins. The Louisiana Presbytery, which consists of eight churches, is being taken to task by the Standing Judicial Commission, which consists of 24 men acting autonomously (i.e., their decision cannot be appealed), for having exonerated Wilkins three times through three examinations, all of whic!
 h are publicly available online. I'm not sure what will result when these 24 men declare that the Louisiana Presbytery is guilty of something. Perhaps the entire Presbytery will be kicked out of the PCA (and, presumably, into the CREC, thus strengthening you-know-who). It kills me that they could presume someone guilty without a trial where he is given a chance to face his accusers and defend himself, but perhaps that is an aspect that really appeals strongly to someone of your character. However, since the CREC stands to grow in size and influence if there is a split in the PCA (and it won't be just the Louisiana Presbytery that's affected), maybe you need to start lobbying the PCA in defense of Wilkins. O irony of ironies . . . In any case this shows that support for Wilson's type of Christianity is a good deal more widespread than you might care to admit.

-- Chris in Tokyo

Tom Hansen wrote:

> If not un-Pastor Wilson, perhaps it's his southern buddy's Auburn Avenue
> "Church" that has run afoul from Christianity . . .
> http://tinyurl.com/2e8cvm

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