[Vision2020] kirker Shopping Regs

Paul Rumelhart godshatter at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 11 11:59:04 PST 2007

I would also like to point out that they simply suggested some extra 
rules when dealing with people of their own faith while doing business.  
For example, chastising someone who is not of their church for being 
"unbiblical" wouldn't necessarily go far.  They don't say anywhere that 
members of their church have to patronize brothers of the church with 
their business, they  just give some rules they should follow for when 
they do.  They also specifically state that they need no explanation for 
going to some other business for "normal" reasons (such as price or 

I don't agree with their theological views, but if you have entered into 
their faith you are agreeing to abide by their rules.  I don't see any 
problem with that. 

I am still trying to parse rule 8 though: "Wives, do not do an end run 
around your husband.  If he has said that you are not going to spend any 
money on whatever it is, then you should not try to get the service 
without spending any money.  This just turns one sin into two."  Anyway, 
those wives presumably have the freedom to renounce their religions if 
they feel they are too sexist.  I don't understand their reasoning about 
the role of women in their church, and probably wouldn't agree with it 
if I did understand it, but as long as the women in question are there 
by their own choice, then there is no problem.  I hope the church is 
being very careful to make this clear to everyone involved, because the 
opportunity for abuse here is great.


Pat Kraut wrote:

>I wonder if you are aware that many churches publish an in house business
>directory? The first one I saw I believe was at St Marys here in town. I do
>not know of any churches that issist that members only buy from that
>directory. They are published with the idea that if you are seeking a
>certain service it could be nice to work with a like minded christian. If CC
>has one it could be just something that is practiced by many others.

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