[Vision2020] (Dr Joe's no subject)

Glenn Schwaller vpschwaller at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 13:50:15 PDT 2007

Yes Dr Joe, it is just you.  My name is not Doug, never has been Doug, never
will be Doug.  In fact in a previous post you even stated you were quite
sure I was not a Doug.  But no matter.

And, for the record, I don't believe I did misquote you.  I think it was
obvious to everyone else I was stating that anyone can for any reason stage
a protest against anybody or anything, but to be aware of the boundaries of
free speech - no threatening remarks for example.   Being insulting or
shouting people down is just bad manners, and most people I would hope would
realize that and abstain.

Admittedly, free speech boundaries are murky territory, but I was simply
agreeing with, and encouraging others to follow, your admonition on
unfettered rights:
 "In short, no one has the right to harm another. For this reason, there is
no such thing as an 'unfettered' right.'"
Now granted I may have taken some license, but it was hardly a misquote or
out of context.  I never attributed your comments to the protest or the
Fest, but since you brought it up, don't you think they should apply in that
situation as well??

I find it very strange you lump "insulting remarks" in with "threatening
remarks" considering the content of some of your and other liberal lemmings'
posts.  No chastisement for being insulting there, eh?  Simply another
example of "It's OK if I do it, but you better not."  But maybe that's just

And feel free to say anything you want in response to hate speech, although
I'm not exactly sure what that is.  Was Rose Huskey's "Nest of Pests"
rambling hate speech?  Certainly no overt threats I could see.  Kind of
filled with insults though.  I guess it's one of  those
I-can't-define-it-but-I-know-it-when-I-hear-it / read-it sort of thing.

And it's never intolerant to speak out against hate speech, as far as I'm
concerned.  What's intolerant is when some are given a pass on it, and
others are not.


On 8/6/07, Joe Campbell <joekc at adelphia.net> wrote:
> Dr. Schwaller,
> It is fine with me if you'd like to continue to play my-name-is-not-
> Doug. I find it VERY strange but maybe that's just me.
> For the record, if you use my words to support your views, please
> get it right. I said that "there is no such thing as an 'unfettered'
> right," including free speech, but that has little to do with the
> recent protest downtown.
> I didn't want to protest in front of the Kenworthy because it seemed
> rude and pointless, not because I thought that such protest was not
> protected by the first amendment. The only time that I think that
> free speech should be fettered is when it leads to harm: slander,
> crying 'fire,' etc. My comments were quite unrelated to the recent
> protest.
> Also, since you read my last town crier I wonder if you read one of
> my earlier ones on the paradox of intolerance. To criticize someone
> who defends the death and exile of gays, or someone who partakes in
> revisionism about slavery, is not to be intolerant. Neither of these
> is an example of mere opinion. Perhaps you don't have any gay or
> black friends, so it is of no concern to you when others use
> threatening or insulting speech toward them. But I'm always going to
> say something in response to hate speech. And if you can tell me WHY
> that is intolerant instead of just saying it is, I'd appreciate it!
> -- Joe Campbell
> ------------------------------
> Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2007 11:45:09 -0700
> From: "Glenn Schwaller" <vpschwaller at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Trinity Festival protest
> To: vision2020 at moscow.com
> Message-ID:
>         <323338460708061145y1710b933hd6f36ba9da2eb388 at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> >So, we have established that you specifically think that it's fine to
> >show up to Head of Household meetings and shout down whoever happens
> >to be speaking, right?
> No, I don't think "we" have established that at all.  In fact if you will
> read my post carefully, you will see I made absolutely no such suggestion.
> I wasn't at Friday's anti Trinity Fest rally, so I don't know if speakers
> were shouted down or not.  I hope not.  I have no problem with civil,
> orderly protests, marches, or individuals speaking out for or against
> groups, causes, whatever.  If someone chooses to protest Trinity Fest - go
> for it!  Just be aware of and respect the boundaries (remember Dr Joe
> counsels us that "there is no such thing as an 'unfettered' right"
> including
> Free Speech).
> All I was pointing out is I found the choice of places for organizing the
> protest to be amusing.  No more, no less.
> As far as Moscow's (or any community's) Gay populace - they can live
> anywhere they want.  Polygamists too, for that matter.
> As Teeriffic would say  "Enough Said" eh?
> GS
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