[Vision2020] Corridor debate: Daily News

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 14 14:30:33 PDT 2007

  You wrote:
  "So, you are admitting that there is a water problem.  If we allow unlimited use of the aquifer by corporate “gluttons”, it will disappear and our citizens will suffer.   We must restrict access to our limited water sources until another source is identified and put into use."
  The problem with the water is the quality, not quantity. We have enough water to last us until the year 2300. This is a concern, not a crisis as some liberals are trying to make it out to be. We need to get a better source of water, the way to do that is to get businesses into the area that will yield high tax revenue, resources, and people with the skills to get the job done. 
  Second, I don't share the same anti business socialist viewpoint that all corporations are EVIL gluttons out to destroy the world. Businesses provide jobs. They provide tax revenue, they put food on the table for the people of Moscow. Private enterprise generates wealth.
  "Our community NEEDS career-oriented, professional jobs if it is to compete.  If Moscow were to limit its growth to those minimum-wage, service-oriented jobs you reference,"
  Hansen, I am not advocating ONLY minimum wage jobs. Which strawman are you plucking that argument from? It is you that are opposing the Naylor Farms and Clay Industries that would bring high paying jobs for a variety of people, and a new fresh water source. I advocate for all jobs that we can manage to bring into the community. You advocate limited job growth with no plan for tapping a new water source. You just want elite jobs few qualify for housed in tax free havens. How does that help us? 
  "Question:  What 40 year olds and local residents “with Master’s in Environmental Science” are you aware of that are hold these jobs at fast food outlets?"
  I know lots of my former High School and college friends that have to take jobs in the low paying service and retail industry. Some of them live in married student housing.
  I know one of the former Presidents of ASUI, a very brilliant student, had to apply for a job at Wal-Mart after he graduated. He isn't the only one. You just don't know that many people Hansen. Visit the Co-OP. Lots of brilliant college grads there working for $6.50/$7 an hour. 
  There aren't very many jobs in Moscow that pay over $10 an hour. The ones that do, are at the University and many of those jobs hire people outside of Moscow. Its nearly impossible to live in Moscow if you aren't a student, work for Gritman, UI, the MSD, or own your own private business. 
  Moscow is doing a GREAT JOB of preserving the water supply by preventing industry, services, and retail from coming into the community. 
Tom Hansen <thansen at moscow.com> wrote:
        st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }                Arnold stated:
  “Mr. Solomon's ideas are not based on economic realities and don't solve the water problem, it just prolongs it.”
  So, you are admitting that there is a water problem.  If we allow unlimited use of the aquifer by corporate “gluttons”, it will disappear and our citizens will suffer.   We must restrict access to our limited water sources until another source is identified and put into use.
  Arnold goes on . . .
  “Thinking we shouldn't have stocking and service orientated jobs for students I think is a bad idea. First, those lower paying jobs should go to college students, not 40 year olds trying to make a living; somebody has to ask, "Would you like fries with that?" And I don't think it should be people middle aged with Master's in Environmental Science.”
  Our community NEEDS career-oriented, professional jobs if it is to compete.  If Moscow were to limit its growth to those minimum-wage, service-oriented jobs you reference, those 10,000 college students (referenced by Dale Courtney below) will simply graduate and move on to greener pastures away from Moscow.
  Question:  What 40 year olds and local residents “with Master’s in Environmental Science” are you aware of that are hold these jobs at fast food outlets?  I have lived here in Moscow for 15 years.  All I have seen are college students working at local fast food restaurants (as well as bartenders at my favorite haunts).
  Tom Hansen
  Moscow, Idaho
  "We're a town of about 23,000 with 10,000 college students. The college students are not very active in local elections (thank goodness!)."

- Dale Courtney (March 28, 2007) 

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