[Vision2020] What Part of innapropriate Don't You Understand?

J Ford privatejf32 at hotmail.com
Sun Oct 29 19:15:25 PST 2006

Question:  Since nothing in this world happens without God's knowledge and 
will to let it happen, does it not stand to reason that reproducing by means 
of other than the "original plan", i.e. as those mentioned below, is also a 
part of His will and is being allowed by Him?  I mean, seriously, if GOD 
thought it was a risk to main-kind's survival, seems to me He'd have put a 
stop to it before now...as He has done in the past.

Just a thought.  Comments?

J  :]

>From: Paul Rumelhart <godshatter at yahoo.com>
>To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] What Part of innapropriate Don't You Understand?
>Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 23:15:55 -0700
>Tony wrote:
> >Can't you get it through your thick skull Teach?  There is nothing
> >inappropriate about a person being and acting as a woman.  There is 
> >inappropriate about someone having and living with black skin.  But there
> >is, as I have repeatedly discussed unimpeachably, something manifestly
> >inappropriate about homosexuality.  Our respective genitalia, male and
> >female alike, were obviously designed and intended to interact to 
> >reproduction.  Homosexual behavior is a MALADJUSTMENT.
> >
> >
>I've heard many accounts of people who are attracted to their own gender
>despite the pressures in their environment that are trying to get them
>to conform to what society has deemed to be more "appropriate", and
>despite the fact that their plumbing isn't compatible.  Most of these
>people at some level would rather not have the desires they have at
>times just so that the pressures would go away.  Many will be relieved
>to know that they are simply maladjusted and that they should easily be
>able to change their natures with a little meditation, some expensive
>therapy and maybe some yoga thrown in for good measure.
>If, on the other hand, they really are simply built that way and not
>some environmentally-derived mistake in parenting or something, than it
>would be criminal to suppress their rights merely because it offends
>some people who aren't in that situation.
>Me, I tend to leave it up to the individual when it comes to determining
>whom a person should be attracted to.  If they are attracted to someone
>with whom their plumbing is compatible, so much the better.  If they are
>attracted to their same gender, more power to them.  If it's in their
>nature to be that way, then who am I to criticize their design?  If
>you've got a problem with it, and believe in a god or gods, then take it
>up with their Creator.  As long as we are talking about two people who
>can both consent to a relationship, then what's the problem?
>If it's our ability to reproduce as a species that worries you, have no
>fear.  Technology today can do wonders in that area.  We have sperm
>banks, fertility clinics, and surrogate births to help us survive.  Not
>to mention very specialized pre- and post-natal care.  Oh, and
>adoptions.  We are not in any danger of dying out as a species based on
>our reproductive capability any time soon.
>Is it your desire to help these unfortunate, maladjusted people that
>makes you so passionate about this?  If so, that's very noble of you.
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