[Vision2020] Re: Why Go After Them?

Ed ecooper at turbonet.com
Wed May 10 20:05:17 PDT 2006

Alas, there is some visible form of sanity within Moscow's blogosphere
Dale, obviously more composed than I when hearing emotional rants from wanna-be demagogues incapable from understanding simple, unadulterated, syllogistic reasoning, submits the following relevant and articulate post on his blog. If she would have read my post (actually, a pervasive theme in many of my posts), she would have realized I don't support any illegal activity whatsoever... An answer to his last query, "it would also be interesting to hear Lund try and give a standard for what is perverse," concerns this Traditionalist...
Protecting the Scum of the Earth
Saundra Lund writes: 

  What interest does Ed Cooper/Swan/whomever or Dale Courtney et al have in *protecting* those like Warren Jeffs who sexually assault minors and force underage girls into "pluralistic" marriages for continued abuse by others???
I cannot speak for Swan or the others, but I'm not protecting Jeffs or anyone who commits sexual crimes. Anyone who has read this blog even cursorily knows that (i.e., see all the posts about Sexual Offenders). 

My point (clearly lost on Lund) is that you cannot argue that polygamy is criminal and try to legalize homosexual marriage. 

It would also be interesting to hear Lund try and give a standard for what is perverse. 

Published Wednesday, 10 May, 2006 2:16 PM by dmcourtn 
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