[Vision2020] Rural and remote

John D johnd550 at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 12 15:50:26 PST 2006

Joan Opyr <joanopyr at moscow.com> wrote:
  > I have a cowgirl friend who grew up in Plevna, Montana.
  According to wal-mart.com, the closest Wal-Mart to Plevna with a  pharmacy is the one in Miles City, at a distance of 67 miles. There are  two closer alternative pharmacies in Baker, at a distance of 12.5 miles  (Baker Rexall Drug Store and Lawler Drug). There is another closer  pharmacy in Bowman, North Dakota, at 60 miles distane (The Bowman Drug  CO). In Miles City itself, Albertsons and Big Sky Pharmacy are two  alternatives to Wal-Mart. There are also three alternative pharmacies  in Glendive, at a distance of 86 miles (Albertsons, F & G Pharmacy,  and Gabert Clinic Pharmacy).
  > There are places more remote in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in
  > your philosophy, John D.
  What do you think my philosophy is?
  I never doubted there are very rural and isolated communities. My original question was:
  "Are there really places that are so isolated that they are not within  driving distance of a pharmacy other than Wal-Mart, but still big  enough to suport a Wal-Mart in the first place?"
  This was in response to Melynda Huskey's suggestion that there are  small towns where Wal-Mart is the only pharmacy available to patients:
  "Walmart [...] encourages, individual pharmacists to refuse to fill the  prescription, even when patients have no other pharmacy available to  them (as in small towns where other drug stores have been driven out of  business by Walmart)."
  This seems like an idea that's easy enough to verify by listing a few  towns where Wal-Mart is indeed the only pharmacy available. This is not  the case for Plevna, Montana, as shown above, and it's not the case for  Dixie, Idaho, either, as shown before:
  Any other ideas?
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