[Vision2020] Wayne's election comment

Art Deco deco at moscow.com
Thu Mar 9 16:06:11 PST 2006


I guess you didn't get the post below.

I pointed you to where you can get the information without it being tainted 
by me.  If you are really interested, then do it.

In the meantime Kit Craine has supplied some of that information and more. 
I urge you to read it carefully.  I will respond to Dan Carscallen's post 
tomorrow or Monday.

You wonder why I waited this long to question the election.  I didn't, but 
James Reynolds's post yesterday created an opportunity to bring it up on 
Vision 2020.




If you are really interested in this issue and then if you want "official"
information, please send a post or letter asking the Moscow City Council to
provide you the following information about the last city election:

1.    The number of absentee ballots that were discarded.
2.    All the reasons they were discarded.
3.    The number of people who voted absentee who asked that their ballots
be checked and what the results of this checking were.
4.    The number of regular ballots that were discarded.
5.    All the reasons why these regular ballots were discarded.
6.    The somewhat amazing changes in the vote tallies for certain city
council candidates occurring in the very last few minutes of tallying.

If the council is unwilling to provide you with this information, you may
request it (and are entitled to it) through the procedures outlined in Idaho
Code 9-338  http://www3.state.id.us/cgi-bin/newidst?sctid=090030038.K et seq

After you have received this information, perhaps you will post it and the
conclusions you have drawn about whether there are problems, and if so,
exactly what the problems are and how should they be fixed.

Wayne A. Fox
1009 Karen Lane
PO Box 9421
Moscow, ID  83843

(208) 882-7975
waf at moscow.com

Don:  For your convenience:

Robert Stout <bstout at ci.moscow.id.us>; Nancy Chaney <nchaney at moscow.com>;
Linda Pall <lpall at moscow.com>; John Dickinson <johnd at moscow.com>; Bill
Lambert <blambert at ci.moscow.id.us>; Aaron Ament <aaronament at moscow.com>;
John Weber <jweber at ci.moscow.id.us>

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Don Coombs" <mushroom at moscow.com>
To: "Vision 2020" <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Cc: "'Paul Emerson'" <pemerson at lmtribune.com>; "John Dickinson" 
<johnd at moscow.com>; "Tom Stroschein" <tstroschein at latah.id.us>; "Linda Pall" 
<lpall at moscow.com>; "Robert Stout" <bstout at ci.moscow.id.us>; "Aaron Ament" 
<aaronament at moscow.com>; "Stephanie Kalasz" <skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us>; 
"Nancy Chaney" <nchaney at moscow.com>; "Bill Lambert" 
<blambert at ci.moscow.id.us>; "John Weber" <jweber at ci.moscow.id.us>; "Paul 
Kimmell" <pkimmell at latah.id.us>; "Jack Nelson" <jnelson at latah.id.us>
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Wayne's election comment

>  Art Deco wrote:
>> I again encourage Don Coombs to provide the information we discussed in 
>> the previous posts.  Perhaps it will add to the eye-opening information 
>> that Kit has provided.
> Wayne: I have just fallen off the turnip truck, but I have not yet hit the 
> ground. So I ask "Why am I supposed to supply information?"
> As M. Crabtree posted previously, asking Don Coombs to supply information 
> seems like stalling.
> I have no idea why you waited all this time to question the election. I 
> respect Don Carscallen's response, indicated he didn't feel victimized by 
> fraud. I have to say that, in a small way, I feel victimized by stalling.
> The road is smooth here and I am going to try to crawl back up on the 
> turnip truck.
> Don Coombs
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