[Vision2020] Wal-Mart a friend to those on a limited budget....

g. crabtree jampot at adelphia.net
Wed Mar 1 07:25:46 PST 2006

I would suggest that if you stand in the way of a place to shop being built 
you are most assuredly dictating, in an albeit small way,  where folks can 
and can't shop. Were you to step out of the way and suggest that people shop 
elsewhere, your statement would have a little more veracity.

As to human rights violations, perhaps if you were to provide a list of 
convictions as compiled by the DOJ and not one of Peg Jenkins' pro union, 
death to Wal Mart  web sites, discussion could ensue.

Your argument with regard to aesthetics doesn't fly all that well either. 
Drawings I have seen for the proposed structure look as nice (better than 
some) as any other commercial building that has gone up in Moscow in the 
last twenty years. You didn't pipe up about any of those developments, why 
the concern now? Sounds more like a case of  not "in my backyard" syndrome 
than any real desire for architectural grace.

Lastly, having a Wal Mart on the east side of town would seem to be in 
keeping with the "smart growth" mantra I keep hearing you MCA types carry on 
about. Isn't the idea to have shopping be within walking distance of 
residential development? This way Mrs. C will be able to stroll down to the 
store to get the family provisions and as to traffic, all that walking is 
sure to help. Plus I'm fairly sure Wal Mart could be prevailed upon to help 
with a light at mtn. view & state 8. The idea that our current council will 
"solve" anything is highly doubtful. I do believe however that they will 
throw a wrench into any new construction for the foreseeable future. (my 
apologies & condolences to Mr. Weber & Mr. Lambert) The idea of the city/MCA 
council deciding where and what to build is truly odious.


P.S. Tony, sorry if I'm stepping on your toes a bit here but when it comes 
to our resident junior philosopher's musings there's plenty "wrongness" for 
ten folks to respond. Welcome to the monkey house.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <joekc at adelphia.net>
To: "Aaron Ament" <citizenament at moscow.com>
Cc: <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 12:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Wal-Mart a friend to those on a limited budget....

> Tony,
> It is simply beautiful how much conservatives have to make up in order to 
> make a point!
> Did I say anything about shutting down Wal-Mart? We already have a 
> Wal-Mart. Did I say anything about boycotting it? I'm not trying to 
> eliminate Wal-Mart from the community. I just don't want them to put a 
> Super Wal-Mart 1/2 mile from my house. There is a difference, right?
> Don't you find it just a little troubling that the USA is, on the one 
> hand, willing to invade a country because of human rights violations (this 
> is the second justification given, after we failed to find WMDs) yet, on 
> the other hand, we have absolutely no problem having other countries who 
> are guilty of human rights violations manufacture our goods as long as we 
> can save a few bucks in the process? I find it troubling and I'd like to 
> do something about it. As much as I can, anyway (which is likely not a 
> whole lot!).
> To me, Wal-Mart is a symbol of our country's inconsistent values. If we 
> want to right ourselves it has to start somewhere and I'm starting with 
> them.
> But that is not the only reason that I don't want a Super Wal-Mart 1/2 
> mile from my house. Another reason is that Wal-Marts are just plain ugly. 
> I'd rather encourage more beauty in the town and less ugliness.
> In case you're keeping track that is two values that I care about over and 
> above economic values: moral values and aesthetic values.
> Lastly, a Super Wal-Mart located on the east side of town is just 
> continuing to follow the bass ackwards thinking of the previous town 
> council. The old thinking was "Build the houses on the East Side and then 
> solve the eventual traffic problems!" The new thinking will be "Solve the 
> existing traffic problems first and then think about building -- and what 
> to build." It is just called planning ahead. It is what we lecture our 
> kids about and it is high time the city govenment started adopting that 
> advice.
> I'm interested to know what you think my real reasons are, by the way!
> Best, Joe
> ---- ToeKneeTime at aol.com wrote:
> =============
> Joe,
> I see.  We are attempting to shut down Walmart because we must "start
> somewhere".  Why then throw the baby out with the bath water?  Why not 
> simply press
> Walmart and presumably, all these other oppressive corporations, to  stop
> acquiring their goods from countries that exploit laborers?  Why  advocate 
> the
> wholesale elimination of the business from the community?  And  with 
> regard to
> wages, these are the prevailing wages as set by the marketplace  and 
> federal
> edict.  Further, these employees in question, would probably  just as soon
> retain their jobs.  If you care so intimately for their  welfare, why 
> would you
> push to eliminate their employer.  Somethin' don't  add up, Joe.  Come on, 
> what
> is your REAL motivation?  Or is it even  conscious?
> Best,  Tony
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