[Vision2020] Potluck (was Tribune feature)

joekc at adelphia.net joekc at adelphia.net
Thu Feb 2 16:41:57 PST 2006

And, Roger, your idea was a good one!

I know that several people can’t make it but I’ll be there, with my family (that’s OK, right?). We plan to bring a brie and bread dish that my wife, Delphine, makes. So far, we have the following people bringing the following dishes:

Janesta: delicious vegetarian meatballs
Jennifer: curly pasta mango chicken salad
Joe: brie and bread dish

Let’s see if we can get some folks whose names do not begin with ‘J’ to let us know what they are bringing!

Best, Joe

---- lfalen <lfalen at turbonet.com> wrote: 

I agree with you that there is to much mud slinging. That is the reason I suggested a pot luck. It was my hope that if folks got to know one another on a personal basis that it might tone done some of the personal attacks. Discuss and debate the issues, but lets be civil about it I think most people on this list are good people and are concerned about the community and the nation. We just have different ideas on how to promote the public good with in the context of personal freedom.


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