[Vision2020] Time Warner Cable & KAY

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 22 16:58:19 PST 2006

"Imagine the reaction if WinCo one day informed customers that they had
to purchase five gallons of milk, two dozen eggs, four jars of peanut
butter, and other, assorted arbitrary foodstuffs in order to buy a
loaf of bread!" Chas
  But Chas, Winco, CostCo, Safeway etc, do precisely that. They require you to buy cookies, cereal, and all sorts of food products in larger quantities than you can eat. You cannot choose how many Oreo cookies in a package, or the ounces in a milk carton, or chips in a bag. You have a very limited number of sizes to choose from. I wish, as a single person, I could choose the exact amount of food I wanted to purchase rather than being forced to buy it in a quantity defined by the manufacturer. Our land fills are chuck a block full of uneaten food products. I think we should complain more about forcing poor people to buy quantities of food they cannot eat in order to get some at an affordable rate then we should about having extra TV stations for people that can afford to get a satellite dish or cable.
  Donovan J Arnold

Chasuk <chasuk at gmail.com> wrote:

I am boycotting all cable and satellite programming until I can get it
a la carte. I am encouraging all of my friends and family to do

I know that you probably are not in the position to answer this
question, but why are cable and satellite companies allowed to
practice this extortion?

Imagine the reaction if WinCo one day informed customers that they had
to purchase five gallons of milk, two dozen eggs, four jars of peanut
butter, and other, assorted arbitrary foodstuffs in order to buy a
loaf of bread!

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