Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 23 19:06:45 PST 2005

  The average salary in the United    States is 20,000K  a year or about $10  an hour for 2,000 hours of work a year. The average household, with an average  of 2.5 residents, has an average combined income of about $45,000-$55,000.
  Engineers were not making $75,000 a year thirty years ago. The reason why labor  wages have gone down is because the supply of labor has increased while demand  for it has decreased.  That is part of the reason the US needs to get  out of the labor market, it pays poorly except in the medical field.
  Food is cheaper now then it has been in the past as a % of our total income.  Only 10% of the national GNP is spent on food. Most nations spend about 30%.  This gives us 20% more of our income to invest in other more profitable venues.  If 20% of our income is spent on meeting our nations basic needs, we can spend  the remaining 80% on investing in better jobs. Further, if I buy a shirt for $2  instead of $5, I save $3 and invest it in something else, like a computer  program. That computer program creates a job for a computer programmer which is  a better job than making a t-shirt in factory. The American way of doing  business provides better jobs and a greater number of goods and services for a  lower cost. The Hansin way of doing things prevents the creation of new jobs  and economic growth.
  Again, the evidence that the US  system of doing things right is that it is the most powerful and wealthiest  nation on the planet. We are by no means starving in this country. The proof is  in the pudding.
  Your protection of goods, by buying by the label, rather than buying the best  good for the needed use, is called "Protectionism", an idea that DOES  NOT WORK, it hurts the nation in the long run. As a worker, I would want you to  buy my product because it is the one you want, not because I am a US citizen, to  do otherwise is nationalism and charity.

Tom Hansen <idahotom at hotmail.com> wrote:  Jeesh, Arnold!

Your analysis of what you perceive to be the global economy and how it 
functions appears to be EXTREMELY ill informed.  Instead of explaining basic 
macro-economics to you, I will simply let it rest.

A large percentage of that "work" that often results in revenue/income has 
been outsourced.

I know what you're thinking.  You're thinking that outsourcing hasn't hurt 
our economy one bit, that it has enhanced it, that unemployment has not gone 
up - it's gone down.  Well, Arnold, in a way you are correct.  Instead of a 
family living off of one engineer's income at about $75K - $100K, that same 
famly is surviving with two incomes for a combined income of $15/hour, at 
least until their local McDonald's closes down.

And, please, feel free to mangle my name to your heart's content.  If it 
floats your boat, do it.

When I first joined the service in 1969, I was duly informed that my parents 
had been sadly mistaken about my name for the 18 years previous.  A cadre of 
drill sergeants reminded me on a daily basis that my real name is/was 
"S**thead" (among other colorful monikers).  After training, I lost the 
"S**thead" name and simply became "Hansen" to those of equal or senior rank. 
  Subordinates addressed me as "Sergeant Hansen".

So, if it flips your Bic to call me "Hansin", please . . . by all means.  
Tell you what, just for memory's sake, call me "S**thead" once in a while, 
ok?  That way I can take pride in that proverbial wall that separates us.

Take care, Ahnold.

S**thead Hansin

>From: Donovan Arnold 
>To: Tom Hansen , "'TIM RIGSBY'" 
>,        vision2020 at moscow.com
>Subject: RE: [Vision2020] BUY AMERICAN BUY WAL-MART
>Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 07:39:04 -0800 (PST)
>     We  can always look forward to your comments being entertaining 
>   "Yes.  I am interested in improving foreign economies."
>   You are, but you are going to do the opposite actions that you know 
>would  create that outcome? Humm, interesting.
>   "But, my first priorities are at home."
>   When we die, do you think the souls are divided up according to 
>nationality  Hansin? Do you think the belly of a fat kid longing for a 
>third helping of ice  cream is equal in need to the empty belly of a child 
>in China or Bangladesh? Do  you think the nationality, race, and/or place 
>of birth of the fat belly should  give it special privilege to third and 
>fourth helpings before a starving child  is given anything? It appears that 
>is your position Hansin. I hope you can  justify to your God your 
>rationalizing of why the fat kid gets a fourth helping  before the starving 
>gets one helping because the fat kid was inside some  imaginary borders.
>   Nor could have it possibly have occurred to you that if just half the 
>world's  population consumed as much resources as half the population of 
>the people in  the United States  the Earth's ecological system would 
>collapse inside of 100 years, Hansin.
>   "Every product manufactured overseas and sold here in the Nifty Fifty  
>(USA) amounts to lost revenue here."
>   Wrong! Guess again. Wealth is not "finite" Hansin. Wealth is  generated 
>through a process called "work". You obviously do not  understand that both 
>a buyer and a seller can benefit from a financial transaction.  In fact, 
>most the time it does and it favors the buyer. You are also clearly  
>unaware of terms like, global economy, "global investment  fund" and 
>foreign investment. Billions of US dollars are in foreign  investments. 
>Foreign nations cannot improve without also simultaneously  improving the 
>US  market, and the reverse is also true. If the world economy declines, so 
>does the  US.
>     "Every time we purchase a product manufactured here, it benefits  that 
>manufacturer and its employees, and keep that manufacturer in business  
>that much longer,"
>   You got it bass ackwards Hansin. We do not buy products to benefit the 
>seller,  we buy it to benefit the buyer, why else buy it?  DUH! 100 workers 
>work  for 1000000 customers, not the other way around.  I do not buy gas to 
>help  out Exxon and the Saudi families, I buy gas cuz I need it make my car 
>move. I  do not buy a jacket to help out employees at Columbia, I buy a 
>jacket cuz I am cold. We  are better off buying the product that we need 
>and spending the savings on  training the workers to school to learn a 
>trade that is competitive in the  world market. Using your logic, we should 
>subsidize rotary phone manufactures  to keep jobs instead investing in 
>technology to make the microchips that go in  future cell phones. 
>Protectionism is bad form and policy and ONLY protects bad  businesses and 
>business practices, good ones do not need protection. Not to  mention it 
>makes other nations do the same to us. Two thirds of all business  growth 
>is in the foreign market. Tariffs blo!
>  ck 2/3 of
>  our growth to protect  1/3, that is a dumb idea, Herbert Hoover  tried 
>tariffs to soften the depression in 1930, it made it worse. Grover 
>Cleveland tried it the  1890s and set off a recession. It was also tried in 
>the1840s and set off a  recession that helped defeat Martin Van Buren. We 
>tried it Hansin, it did not  work.
>    "which means food on the dinner tables of American families."
>   Well Hansin, I think from the looks of you, me and the rest of this 
>overweight glutton  nation, we could stand to skip a few meals. Dontcha 
>   Take Care,
>   Donovan J Arnold

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