[Vision2020] Geeh melynda

Phil Nisbet pcnisbet1 at hotmail.com
Tue May 31 06:22:03 PDT 2005

Well Tom, let me see.

I have degrees in Geology and 25 years work experiance in Geology, have 
published in excess of 30 professional papers, but if you want to consider 
that quackery, be my guest.

The same website also published incorrect information on a vatiety of 
topics, the first of which, I might point out, is its location map for 
Naylor Farms.  Not only are the property boundaries on that map wrong, but 
well locations are not properly placed on it as well.  Its not hot air to 
point out that all it takes is a quick trip to the county courthouse to get 
accurate plat maps or that you can get well locations from IDWR.

Its is also not hot air to suggest that a quick look at SEDAR shows i 
minerals is not invovled in Naylor Farms.  Your website, just cited, 
suggests such an association, but it is simply HOT Air on your part.

Or you can gander at its following little beauty;


The errors in that one are huge and strech for 21 pages.

Just because you put together false information and present it on a website 
formay, Yom, it6 does not make it any less false.

Just as similarly, you have failed to post the March Letter of IBPG on that 
website and did not bother to post the article which cited the Nez Perce 
County Prostcutors statements, yet continue to have posted accusation 
against me.

Posting partial information and failing to update things when you are in the 
wrong is also fostering falsehoods, Tom.

So, yes, Wayne is blowing hot air, Tom and it appears that you enjoy that 
particular activity as well.

Phil Nisbet

PS Heck you can not even spell my name correctly when its right in front of 
yor face.

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