The ASUI Kibbie Activity Center (Was: [Vision2020] Dale Courtney)

Tom Hansen thansen at
Thu Mar 24 05:42:56 PST 2005

David Budge stated:

"Assuming that the Kibbie Dome is "owned" by the ASUI, I have to ask what 
exactly is the ASUI? 

Is it a not-for-profit group or an unincorporated association? 

Who are the owners? 

Are the owners the current students or all students who ever paid dues 
to the ASUI (including me).

Or perhaps, are the owners the public at large like non-profit 
corporations are with only one member? (Think Gritman Hospital - this is 
a little technical here but I'm sure the lawyers in the crowd know what 
I'm talking about.)"

Well, Mr. Budge.  I am not a lawyer either.  I simply went to that portion
of the ASUI website that could best answer such an inquiry at:

I believe that you will find answers to almost all of your questions within
either the ASUI Constitution or the ASUI Rules and Regulations.  I
downloaded and browsed the ASUI Rules and Regulations and found some very
interesting requirements that had apparently been overlooked in creating the
Trinity Fest 2005 (TF2K5) at the ASUI Kibbie Activity Center.

Happy reading.

Tom Hansen
Hog Haven, Idaho

We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are
dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors....but they all
exist very nicely in the same box.

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