[Vision2020] an open letter -- What's That? Are you serious?

Jim Meyer m1e2y3e4 at moscow.com
Mon Jun 13 10:38:14 PDT 2005


Why don't we just stick with the facts instead of arguing about intended 
meanings of famous sayings?

The facts are:
    1. Christ Church and its related business ventures hide several 
publishing efforts with gross profits of close to 1 million 
dollars--just for one of those businesses. This is a documentable fact 
that can be found in county records. The fact that these businesses 
exist is not an issue. The fact that these business ventures ask the 
community for tax breaks IS a community issue.

    2. That fact that Doug Wilson is both permanent Trustee and Trustor 
of  New St. Andrews and that he hires family members is not a community 
issue. That New St. Andrews has a religious test for admission also is 
not a community issue. The fact that tax breaks are requested from the 
community for an organization that is not clearly proven non-profit  IS 
a community issue.
   3. The fact that the representatives of Christ Church believe things 
that many of us don't like, or even that we think unchristian,  is not 
an issue.The fact that  Christ Church representatives who benefit from 
tax breaks publicly support  the idea that whole groups of people are 
lower than them and that violence against those people is somehow god's 
intent IS a community issue, especially when church resources are used 
to advance their political candidates.

The community has every right, even an obligation to examine Christ 
Church and it's associated businesses in light of their asking for and 
receiving tax benefits. For the community to ask Christ Church to follow 
existing law is not even remotely comparable to persecution of those of 
Jewish faith. As someone who lost 1/8 of my family tree due to 
persecution, I take tremendous and deep offense to such a comparison.

Jim Meyer

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