[Vision2020] An Introduction, and an Observation

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Sat Aug 6 07:31:37 PDT 2005

Chasuk stated:


" . . . abortions should be granted at the drop of a hat."


This statement tends to make me question Chasuk's (Wow!  Now there is a
name, huh?) honesty.


Being pro-choice, I support the woman's right to choose.  However, I
strongly disagree with Chasuk's statement.  There has not been one
documented case where a woman shoe to abort simply because she was bored and
had nothing to do for the next hour.  Hell!  I strongly doubt that even the
National Organization for Women supports Chasuk in this argument.


Tom Hansen

Moscow, Idaho


"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a
garage makes you a mechanic." 

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