[Vision2020] Why not Sell West Park Elementary?

rforce at moscow.com rforce at moscow.com
Sun Apr 24 09:17:43 PDT 2005

Closing West Park or converting it to other uses was considered in 2002
after the failure of the levy. Not suprising, the West park Community rose up:

Moscowans ask board not to close elementary
Revise but don't scuttle West Park, citizens say
Wyatt Buchanan
Lewiston Tribune 	2002-01-29
Page: 1A

MOSCOW -- Citizens rallied for West Park Elementary at a public hearing
Monday night.

Although the Moscow School District's proposed $2.1 million in cuts next
year will come from every sector of the district, the majority of the
two-hour hearing was spent addressing the plan to convert West Park into a
kindergarten-only center.

The hearing was a chance for the public to comment on the district's plan
to make up its budget shortfall, a plan that includes closing the school as
well as laying off nearly 30 teachers.

"If West Park is closed, 211 present West Park students will be relocated
to other schools. We think this number is unacceptable," said Tammy Sewell,
a fourth-grade teacher at the school who read a letter composed by the faculty.

Sewell asked the board to keep West Park open under a different configuration.

Audience members, who filled to capacity the Moscow Junior High
multipurpose room, also demanded the board hold another levy election...

As for the St. Mary's renovation, the objection was NIMBY.


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