[Vision2020] Re: oversight=authority?

Debbie Gray dgray at uidaho.edu
Fri Aug 13 17:28:43 PDT 2004

I am curious why people are insistent that Paul Kimmel is a mindless 
puppet of Doug Wilson. Of course people are influenced in many ways 
by the people they associate with! I don't see anyone jumping all 
over the Moscow Civic Association for having undue influence over 
Nancy Cheney or John Dickinson (and this has nothing to do with them, 
their decisions, etc. It's JUST an example). Perhaps Paul Kimmel or 
Nancy Cheney, etc. hold certain views that are reflected BY the 
people they associate with. That doesn't mean there is MIND CONTROL 
going on.  And wow, what would happen if we all got out of our little 
superior silos and associated with each other? GASP!!! Imagine...

Also, regarding your example of domestic partnership benefits for 
Latah County, I don't see that Paul Kimmel was going out on some wild 
tangent that is so dissimilar to viewpoints of other republicans and 
so incredibly obvious that he was not making a decision of his own.

Just because you don't agree with something does not make it: 1.EVIL; 
2. The result of mind control; or 3. WRONG. This whole conflict over 
gay marriage should plainly illustrate that to you. Some people 
oppose it, some people support it. Does everyone that oppose it 
belong to Christ Church? No. Does everyone that belongs to Christ 
Church oppose? Perhaps, but I don't think Mr. Wilson speaks for 
everyone. Perhaps they chose that church because it comes CLOSEST to 
what they believe, not necessarily that they are in lock-step with 
that particular persons opinions. I know I have belonged to various 
organizations that I support because I agree with the majority of 
their ideas, that doesn't mean I agree with everything they do. Think 
of Greenpeace or Sierra Club or things like that. I like a lot of 
what they have accomplished but I don't necessarily support every 
single activity they undertake. But who else would I donate money or 
time or whatever to in order to make those activities I like happen? 

These constant Christ Church/Doug Wilson/Paul Kimmel/anyone with a 
difft opinion ad nauseum attacks are ugly. What are YOU doing to 
improve anything in Moscow or for it's future? So what if Christ 
Church opens a religious trinkets store in the perhaps vacant CJ's? 
If there is no market for it, it won't last. If there is a market, 
who are you to judge whether it should be there or not. It's not like 
they are selling illicit drugs or child porn. Would you rather have 
all those businesses vacant? I don't believe in or support things 
that Christ Church (or any other religion, they're all cults to me) 
has as their charter. However, I'd much rather have a vital downtown 
that will attract and impress residents and visitors instead of a 
dead and dusty downtown with only room for tie dye shops, incense 
shops, tattoo parlors, etc. 

I agree with Tom Hudson's question: What are you individually or as a 
group doing to improve your town (besides obsessively compulsively 
googling things about Doug Wilson)? Is there nothing else in this 
community that inspires you to action (actions, not words and endless 
email debates)?

Debbie Gray

DebbieGraydgray at uidaho.edu

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