[Vision2020] FW: Addition to The Lou Who Visitors Guestbook

Donovan Arnold donovanarnold@hotmail.com
Mon, 22 Sep 2003 21:06:09 -0700

<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV>
<P>Yeah, I he is doing the same thing to me too. Stambler needs help. Of course now I wonder if that is even his real name. </P>
<P>Donovan J Arnold<BR><BR></P></DIV>
<DIV></DIV>&gt;From: "Dale Courtney" <DMCOURTN@MOSCOW.COM>
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Subject: [Vision2020] FW: Addition to The Lou Who Visitors Guestbook 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 15:57:57 -0700 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Well, it's always interesting to tick off someone who is quite vengeful and 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;FYI, Stambler is signing me up on public lists and posting things in my 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;See: http://www.louwho.com/vizbook/vizbook.htm 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; &gt; This confirmation message was sent from: 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; &gt; http://www.louwho.com/vizbook/vizbook.htm 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; &gt; Thank you. 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; &gt; trace route : 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;FYI, other than Jack Van Deventer and Melynda Huskey, *all* Vision2020 Email 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;messages that originate from WSU are from Stambler. 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;If anyone else has mystery signups to places that they themselves didn't 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;subscribe, you may want to consider the loony option. 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; List services made available by First Step Internet, 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994. 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; http://www.fsr.net 
<DIV></DIV>&gt; mailto:Vision2020@moscow.com 
<DIV></DIV></div><br clear=all><hr> <a href="http://g.msn.com/8HMAENUS/2749??PS=">Share your photos without swamping your Inbox.  Get Hotmail Extra Storage today! </a> </html>