[Vision2020] The Vendor Ordinances

Ry Jones v2020@ryjones.org
Thu, 27 Feb 2003 15:37:10 -0800

All of this confusion about the motivation of the council is over a
basic misunderstanding of the nature of our elected government. Our duly
elected, or appointed, officials think we exist to serve them as
taxpayers, license purchasers, and once in a while voters. We are a
resource for them to mine and expend. If you think I'm nuts, look at any
of Dirk's language recently about the state not meeting revenues. What
he means to say is we're not taxed enough.

The vendor ordinances are the same. The city sees the opportunity to
levy a tax on productive members of society, and therefore it will. I'm
looking forward to the next round of elections; hopefully some more
citizen oriented people will get on board. If I lived a little further
west, I'd love to vote out the current batch of appointed and elected
council members.

Ry Jones