[Vision2020] Is the word "racist" (and bigot) overused?

John Harrell johnbharrell@yahoo.com
Tue, 15 Apr 2003 20:58:09 -0700 (PDT)

I have heard the term racist and bigot used on this board a number of
times, along with innuendos and references to Hitler.

And in a search for something else, I came across this and found it 

See the link to the complete article, which includes other links:

Here’s a short list of people and organizations who’ve been called
racist, in spite of flaming liberalism:  

1.Rudy Giuliani, the liberal Republican Mayor of New York. There’s
  a whole site devoted to this. 

2.Terry McCauliffe, Democratic National Committee chairthing.
  (He said “colored people” when he should have said “people of
  color”. But the NAACP forgave him.) 

3.Bill Clinton, by Kimberley Wilson, an African-American woman,
  and also by Christopher Hitchens. 

4.Nadine Gordimer, the anti-apartheid South African novelist. 

5.Art Spiegelman, the cartoonist, accusing both himself and his
  four and a half year old son. 

6.Hillary Clinton. She, like Giuliani, supported the Clinton
  Administration's “putatively tough and essentially racist
  initiatives on criminal justice.” 

7.Frosty the Snowman. I wish I could make these things up; I’d
  make a lot of money selling them to comedians. 

8.Abraham Lincoln. 

9.The entire YMCA. 

10.The USDA. They recommend two servings of milk a day, and
  “lactose intolerance” is mostly a non-white problem. 

11.And one non-European racist: Mahatma Gandhi. 

So it’s not surprising that Thomas Jefferson is called a racist, and so
are black conservatives, the whole Republican Party, anyone to the
right of Nelson Rockefeller, (who was also called a racist while he was
alive), libertarians like L. Neil Smith, the entire Catholic Church, and
of course, the United States of America.  

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