[Vision2020] Bush to Surrender States Rights to WTO

Garrett Clevenger onewildearth@hotmail.com
Fri, 04 Apr 2003 13:39:34 -0800

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<P>I think a better question is,"Why do Americans continue to go along with this junk?"</P>
<P>Clinton was responsible for passing NAFTA and&nbsp;getting the US into the WTO.&nbsp; Democratics are not innocent.&nbsp; They have entered our country into treaties that threaten our country's sovereignty.&nbsp; Both parties have sold the US the promise of globalization.</P>
<P>I think this speaks volumes about the influence corporate interests have over our elected officials.&nbsp;</P>
<P>Certainly there are differences between the two parties, but I think the devisiveness that people have for one party or another is more psychological manipulation than anything.&nbsp; That is, people want to criticize others and be on the "right" team.&nbsp; If you can talk trash about the "others," you can unify with those who believe the same propaganda.</P>
<P>Both sides do it.</P>
<P>Until people get over their partisanship and are willing to recognize that our political system is broken because of the vested interest these parties have in maintaining their power base, we are going to continue to be short-changed.</P>
<P>The ones who continue to reap whether a Clinton or a Bush are in the Whitehouse are the CEO's of corporations.&nbsp; But I would expect nothing less considering their involovement in media, education, banking and military&nbsp;and their&nbsp;handsome contributions to our elected officials.</P>
<P>Garrett Clevenger </P>
<P>http://www.icehouse.net/garrett </P>
<P>"What are we doing to our Home?!:(" </P>
<P>&gt;Message: 6 </P>
<P>&gt;Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2003 10:23:59 -0800 (PST) </P>
<P>&gt;From: Tim Lohrmann <TIMLOHR@YAHOO.COM></P>
<P>&gt;To: vision2020@moscow.com </P>
<P>&gt;Subject: [Vision2020] Bush to Surrender States Rights to WTO </P>
<P>&gt; </P>
<P>&gt;Visionaries, </P>
<P>&gt; Why do the Republicrats continue to go along </P>
<P>&gt;with this junk? No wonder so many people have quit </P>
<P>&gt;voting. </P>
<P>&gt; TL</P></DIV></div><br clear=all><hr>MSN 8 helps <a href="http://g.msn.com/8HMRENUS/2752">ELIMINATE E-MAIL VIRUSES.</a> Get 2 months FREE*.</html>