[CLC-Discussion] Seeking a Swimming Pool Expert

Barry Ansbacher Barry.Ansbacher at ansbacher.net
Fri Jan 24 05:24:17 PST 2025

I seek an expert in swimming pool design, construction, and equipment maintenance. If anyone knows a good expert, a referral, it would be appreciated.

Thank you,


Barry Ansbacher
Florida Bar Board Certified:
    Real Estate Attorney
    Construction Attorney
    Condominium & Planned
    Development Attorney
Barry.Ansbacher at ansbacher.net
904.737.4600 ext 302

​​Jacksonville 904.737.4600 | Orlando  407.675.5092
St. Augustine 904.429.4833 | Ft. Lauderdale 305.400.8009
 Tampa 813.214.7000 | Fleming Island 904.385.3444
24/7 Personal Injury 904.737.4700
Collections – Statewide 904.416.1511
Ansbacher Law strives to provide the highest level of service. If you have any comments or concerns, please send a note to our CARE CENTER or contact Diana Zayas-Bazan at 904.737.4600 x227
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