[CLC-Discussion] Orlando Residential Construction Litigator

Humphries, Kellie KHumphries at gunster.com
Fri Jan 24 08:43:11 PST 2025

Good morning,

Looking for an Orlando construction litigator who deals in residential disputes for a potential referral. The matter relates to the defective installation of a new roof, which has yet to be addressed, as well as the lost opportunity to sell this multi-million dollar residence at a premium due to the defective work.

Bonus points for anyone who fits the profile and also speaks Japanese!

Thanks and have a great weekend,

[cid:image001.png at 01DB6E54.D0768CA0]
Kellie M. Humphries | Shareholder & Construction Practice Group Co-Chair
Board Certified Construction Attorney
1 Independent Drive, Suite 2300
Jacksonville, FL 32202
p 904.350.7434 f 904.350.5962
gunster.com<https://www.gunster.com> | khumphries at gunster.com<mailto:khumphries at gunster.com>

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