[CLC-Discussion] Construction Law Committee - Government Contracting Subcommittee January 29, 2025 at 12 pm

Colon, Y. Lisa lisa.colon at saul.com
Wed Jan 22 18:12:05 PST 2025

Please join the Government Contracting Subcommittee monthly meeting.

Agenda for Monthly Meeting of the RPPTL Construction Law Committee and Government Contracting Subcommittee

Date: Wednesday January 29, 2025
Time: 12 pm EST
Location: https://saul.zoom.us/j/92907880476?pwd=op14bgmZOuUSUrAIVZGSXZGvNpSFvT.1

Meeting ID: 929 0788 0476
Passcode: 027239

1. Welcome and Introductions

  *   Chair’s opening remarks.
  *   Brief introductions of attendees.
  *   Appointment of Co-Chair
2. Subcommittee Goals and Purpose
              Statement of the subcommittee's goal

  *   Overview of how these goals guide the subcommittee’s activities.
3. Discussion on April CLE Program
              Recap of planned topics and logistics.

  *   Identification of speakers, moderators, or panelists.
4. Structuring Monthly Meetings and Reports)

  *   Discussion on creating a standard format for monthly meetings.
     *   Updates on relevant legislative and regulatory developments.
     *   Opportunities for member participation in reports or presentations.
  *   Assigning responsibilities for compiling and delivering monthly reports.
  *   Brainstorming additional topics or resources to enhance monthly discussions.
5. Open Floor for Additional Topics

  *   Member suggestions for topics or initiatives.
  *   Identification of potential areas for collaboration with other committees or subcommittees.
6. Next Steps and Closing Remarks (5 minutes)

  *   Review of action items and deadlines.
  *   Confirmation of next meeting date and agenda preview.

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Y. Lisa Colon​​​​


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(954) 713-7648<tel:(954)%20713-7648>

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(954) 830-7522<tel:+1>

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lisa.colon at saul.com<mailto:lisa.colon at saul.com>

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Read my bio<https://www.saul.com/professionals/y-lisa-colon>


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