[CLC-Discussion] July 8 2024 - CLC Meeting

Kurian, Sanjay SKURIAN at beckerlawyers.com
Mon Jul 8 11:00:45 PDT 2024

Good afternoon CLCers,
Attached are the following:

  1.  Attorney’s Fees in Construction Litigation materials from Gabriel Alonso
  2.  ADR Subcommittee report
  3.  Construction Transactions materials- G728/G728, Claire Groover memo.
  4.  LeMartec v. East Coast Metal Structures case.

Sanjay Kurian
Office Managing Shareholder
Board Certified in Construction Law
Becker & Poliakoff
Six Mile Corporate Park
12140 Carissa Commerce Court
Suite 200
Ft. Myers, 
SKURIAN at beckerlawyers.com
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From: Kurian, Sanjay <SKURIAN at beckerlawyers.com>
Sent: Sunday, July 7, 2024 7:56 PM
To: RPPTL constructionlaw <constructionlaw at lists.flabarrpptl.org>; clc-discussion at lists.flabarrpptl.org
Subject: July 8 2024 - CLC Meeting

Good evening CLCers,

This is your reminder that our monthly CLC conference call and CLE will be tomorrow Monday, July 8, 2024, starting at 11:30 A.M.  Our CLE presentation for this meeting will be Attorney’s Fees in Construction Litigation presented by Gabriel Alonso.

Below are the links to record your attendance.

Record Your Attendance<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfvU6ys1kk_5Lq4YJN0E8F84KAAzGpwC56Gk2qXZSjlLHe-HQ/viewform>

List of Attendees<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18b0_k9xoybUR3-qaGbglPs-y_ooJduKcqiF5Rh2ujhw/edit?usp=sharing>

Attached are the following: (1) the agenda for Monday’s meeting and (2) minutes from last month’s meeting.
The speaker’s materials will be sent after the presentation.


Office Managing Shareholder
Board Certified in Construction Law
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Becker & Poliakoff
Six Mile Corporate Park
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From: "Reese J. Henderson, Jr." <Reese.Henderson at gray-robinson.com>
Subject: CLC ADR Subcommittee July 2024 Report
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2024 15:38:40 +0000
Size: 75461
URL: <http://mailman.fsr.com/pipermail/clc-discussion/attachments/20240708/932789b4/CLCADRSubcommitteeJuly2024Report-0001.mht>
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Desc: Lemartec Corporation v East Coast Metal Structures Corp (1).pdf
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