[WSBARP] Question on Transfer of Development Rights

Robert S Schuck rsschuck at ksmlawfirm.com
Thu Jun 15 14:39:49 PDT 2017

I have a question on determining basis on the sale of development rights-has anyone have experience with an appraiser that can determine the value of development rights when separated from the property. The property has low basis because it was acquired years ago.

Robert S. Schuck
Kennedy,Schuck & Miller, PLLC
1520 140th NE, Suite 200
Bellevue, WA 98005
(425)451-3760 (telephone)
(425)451-3878 (facsimile)
rsschuck at ksmlawfirm.com<mailto:rsschuck at ksmlawfirm.com>

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