[WSBAPT] probate expenses directly related to one heir

Diane J. Kiepe DJKiepe at depdslaw.com
Thu May 26 08:37:05 PDT 2022

Good Morning all,

I'd appreciate any feedback you can share on how you handle probate fees that are clearly related to one heir (there is no question about it).  I have told counsel for heir I will be reducing the heirs share by expenses related to the extra expense our estate is incurring and I don't suspect any pushback but it got me thinking about what I would say if I got pushback.

Thanks in advance and make it a great day.

Diane J. Kiepe

Diane J. Kiepe
Douglas Eden
717 W. Sprague Ave.
Suite 1500
Spokane, WA  99201
djkiepe at depdslaw.com<mailto:djkiepe at depdslaw.com>

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