[WSBAPT] Declaration of Completion/Request for accounting

Diane J. Kiepe DJKiepe at depdslaw.com
Tue Aug 31 11:05:07 PDT 2021

Hello All,

When a beneficiary (directly or through counsel) files a TEDRA in response to Declaration of Completion requesting, or asserting their rights to an accounting of PR Fees and Attorney Fees, can you tell me what information you provide in your experience?  I am mostly concerned about attorney/client privilege.  I clearly want to be cooperative and provide the accounting but I also need to be mindful of my obligations to my client.

Any insights or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Diane J. Kiepe

Diane J. Kiepe
Douglas Eden
717 W. Sprague Ave.
Suite 1500
Spokane, WA  99201
djkiepe at depdslaw.com<mailto:djkiepe at depdslaw.com>

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