[WSBAPT] pension fund

Mike Winslow mike at winslegal.com
Wed Jul 24 20:31:28 PDT 2019

Testator dies leaving his IRA to a trust created under his LWT. 
Testator was married at time of death, but only for couple years. However,
Testator lived with spouse for 10 years before the marriage. Facts for claim
of Committed Intimate Relationship are that both worked during marriage,
although decedent was the high income earner. Shared a residence together,
with mortgage payments made by Testator from his income. Unclear if couple
shared other expenses. But assume that there is some basis for claim of CIR
and thus a quasi-Community Property claim for period of living together and
CP during marriage.
How does federal law regarding IRAs affect claim of surviving spouse to
Quasi Community Property?
Spouse wants half of pension (both contributions and growth from
contributions) for period of CIR.
Michael A. Winslow
1204 Cleveland Ave.
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
Ph. 360-336-3321
Em. Mike at winslegal.com
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