[Vision2020] My Shadow

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Wed Jul 8 05:00:56 PDT 2020

“My Shadow” by Peter R Wolveridge

I quite often look at my shadow.
I like how it follows me round
And does all the same things that I do
Without ever making a sound.

It hides when the weather is cloudy.
But I know it's always quite near,
For later, as soon as the sun shines,
My shadow is bound to appear.

I've noticed sometimes in the evening,
While watching the sun going down,
My shadow gets all tired and lazy
And stretches right out on the ground.

But then when it comes to my bedtime,
I lie down and switch off the light.
My eyes close; I can't help but wonder
Where shadows like mine go at night?

Perhaps it meets with other shadows,
Sits down and tells them about me,
The silly things that I've been doing
And hears its friends laughing with glee.

But when I awake in the morning,
I'm always delighted to see
As soon as I draw back the curtains,
My shadow's there waiting for me.


Seeya 'round town, Moscow, because . . .

"Moscow Cares" (the most fun you can have with your pants on)
Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho
“A stranger is just a friend you haven't met.” - Roy E. Stolworthy

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