[Vision2020] Message about Linda

Dr. S.M. Ghazanfar ghazi at uidaho.edu
Tue May 1 09:41:21 PDT 2018

Indeed, Linda Pall's passing away is huge loss for the community......
I came to know Linda back in 1986 when some of us (most likely at 
Linda's initiative) undertook discussion about forming a Human-Rights 
entity in the community. The key stimulus for this effort was the 
distribution of hate-flyers on the campus and in the community.  Our 
ad-hoc group (Linda, late Mannan Sheikh, Mark Leeper, and myself) met 
several times, and thanks to Linda's influential presence, the Latah 
County Human Rights Task Force was founded.  LCHRTF has, of course, 
under Joann Muneta's leadership, been an influential group in the community.
Aside from numerous other informal connections, I often followed her 
role as a member of the Moscow City Council--always well-thought out, 
persuasive conversation.  Linda and I connected again when she 
represented the City Council at the City's HRC for a couple of 
years--and at her initiative, the HRC established the biennial Unity Award.
She was a solid supporter of the Moscow CommUNITY Walk and participated 
almost every year.  Obviously, we shared so much concerning our efforts 
to promote unity, tolerance, and compassion in the community and there 
was considerable mutual respect.  She was a solid supporter of the 
Moscow CommUNITY Walk and participated almost every year.
Indeed, Linda was a public intellectual, with a broad perspective, 
pragmatism, and compassion for the causes she espoused.  Obviously, her 
passing away is a loss for the community--in addition to the huge 
personal loss for her loved ones.

On 4/30/2018 9:58 AM, Jeanne McHale wrote:
> Dear Nancy,
> Thank you for sharing this sad news, and thank you for your kindness 
> to Linda. She really appreciated all that you did for her. Linda’s 
> passing leaves a huge void in our community, and many of us were the 
> recipients of her kindness over the year. We will all have to step up 
> to carry on her work.
> Jeanne
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 29, 2018, at 9:01 PM, Tom Hansen <thansen at moscow.com 
> <mailto:thansen at moscow.com>> wrote:
>> Virtually ten years ago to the day . . .
>> http://www.moscowcares.com/Linda_Pall/042508_Linda_Pall_Day.jpg 
>> <https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.moscowcares.com%2FLinda_Pall%2F042508_Linda_Pall_Day.jpg&data=02%7C01%7C%7C46b784894d9446e3538808d5ae4f064f%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636606576786011769&sdata=ORtpTHOyJuJpzRNGrx7d6cjdSM5alWVqxr7FUrpCS8g%3D&reserved=0>
>> Moscow has lost a heroine.
>> For Linda . . .
>> http://www.tomandrodna.com/Songs/Gone_Too_Soon.mp3 
>> <https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tomandrodna.com%2FSongs%2FGone_Too_Soon.mp3&data=02%7C01%7C%7C46b784894d9446e3538808d5ae4f064f%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636606576786011769&sdata=YnZ8mOlDsH1kcpyv1IT1xdQFQpzah6UbB3bzGMLQPq8%3D&reserved=0>
>> Nancy:  If there is ANYTHING I can do, PLEASE let me know . . . and 
>> consider it done.
>> Seeya 'round town, Moscow, because . . .
>> "Moscow Cares"
>> http://www.MoscowCares.com 
>> <https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.moscowcares.com%2F&data=02%7C01%7C%7C46b784894d9446e3538808d5ae4f064f%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636606576786011769&sdata=PwF7stYfcixQ4qFdOM8w5Sv1hwWasAkwONjMLW%2BNucY%3D&reserved=0>
>> Tom Hansen
>> Moscow, Idaho
>> On Apr 29, 2018, at 8:24 PM, Nancy Chaney <nancy.chaney at outlook.com 
>> <mailto:nancy.chaney at outlook.com>> wrote:
>>> Dear Friends,
>>> As some of you may have heard, Linda Pall passed away peacefully in 
>>> her sleep at home last night, while her beloved son Zachary was 
>>> staying there. For all of her longstanding health problems and 
>>> recent extended hospitalization, Linda relished life, and was 
>>> getting back into cooking meals, entertaining guests, grooving to 
>>> soft jazz, driving herself around town, and reemerging as a 
>>> political activist. She would have been as surprised as anyone to 
>>> discover that this would be her last weekend here.
>>> Zach will provide a statement soon, but for now, please inform your 
>>> networks. Linda was woven into the fiber of our community, and was 
>>> passionate about connecting people with each other. In that 
>>> tradition, please share this sad news with others who knew Linda and 
>>> her reputation as a friend, colleague, parent, lawyer, educator, 
>>> artist, musician, chef, community benefactor, advocate, activist, 
>>> public servant, and more. (As Linda’s caregiver and companion Joyce 
>>> told us today, in describing Linda’s far-reaching reputation, “I 
>>> knew Linda before I ever saw her.”)
>>> Private burial is planned, with a community celebration of Linda’s 
>>> life tentatively scheduled for the afternoon of Sun. June 3 in the 
>>> 1912 Center. A formal announcement is pending as details are finalized.
>>> With gratitude,
>>> Nancy
>>> *Nancy Chaney*
>>> *(208) 882-9350*

S.'Ghazi' Ghazanfar, Ph.D., Emeritus-Professor[(1968-02), Emeritus, 2002;
    Dept.Chair-93-02; Director, In'l Studies-89-93; Adj.Prof.03-08;
    Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83843-USA]
Acworth, Georgia 30101
Homepage: www.webpages.uidaho.edu/~ghazi
Albert Einstein: "I cannot conceive of a genuine scientist without profound faith"
Max Planck: "At the temple of science are words: Ye must have faith"
Winston Churchill: "I am strongly in favor of poisoned gas against uncivilized Arabs and Indians....
more merciful than high explosives" (quoted, The Guardian, 9/1/13).

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