[Vision2020] Fw: greed

Paul Rumelhart paul.rumelhart at gmail.com
Tue Oct 21 18:25:42 PDT 2014

I can never tell any more which of my (to me) reasonable-sounding posts
will ignite a firestorm on this list.

The phrase "heartless bastard" is what I feel like when I tell the nice
people on the phone that I won't be giving to their good cause, at least at
that time.  That's one of the reasons I hate it when charities solicit like
that.  It feels manipulative, and I don't like it.  On the other hand, I
don't know what to tell them, other than to back off a little.

On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 6:06 PM, Sue Hovey <suehovey at moscow.com> wrote:

>   There’s nothing there that makes you “sound like a heartless bastard.”
> Are you insisting?  Sorry, but I make my own evaluations.
> Sue
>  *From:* Paul Rumelhart <paul.rumelhart at gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 21, 2014 3:53 PM
> *To:* Scott Dredge <scooterd408 at hotmail.com>
> *Cc:* lfalen <lfalen at turbonet.com> ; Sue Hovey <suehovey at moscow.com> ; Ron
> Force <rforce2003 at yahoo.com> ; Tom Hansen <thansen at moscow.com> ; Vision
> 2020 <vision2020 at moscow.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [Vision2020] Fw: greed
>  This is a huge pet peeve of mine.  Some charities are not so bad, I gave
> some money to globalgiving.org for Japan tsunami relief, and they didn't
> flood me with solicitations (maybe once a year or so I get something from
> them in an email).  Give some money to certain charities associated with
> breast cancer, children's cancer, or some of the Native American groups,
> and you'll never hear the end of it.  They are all worthy recipients of my
> hard-earned cash, but *I* like to be the one who decides when and to whom I
> give charity to.  I don't just sit around waiting to see who can best
> convince me of their worth.  I do the research on my own.  I'm sure that
> makes me sound like a heartless bastard, but I'm beyond caring any more
> what people on this list think of me.
> I think I'll switch to anonymous donations, too.
> On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Scott Dredge <scooterd408 at hotmail.com>
> wrote:
>>  I donated to DAV years ago and now they've spent more money than I gave
>> them mailing me solicitation letters asking me to give them more money.
>> It's very disappointing.  They're not the only ones who engage in this
>> tactic and it's become a secondary reason of why I have now switched to
>> making one-time only anonymous donations.
>> > Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 17:27:24 -0700
>> > To: suehovey at moscow.com; rforce2003 at yahoo.com; thansen at moscow.com
>> > From: lfalen at turbonet.com
>> > CC: vision2020 at moscow.com
>> > Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Fw: greed
>> >
>> > Don't feel too bad about it Sue. While the information may not have
>> been up to date. Those with a poor rating were still not vary good in the
>> Snopes piece and those listed as good were still fairly good in the Snopes
>> article. One charity that consistently has a high rating by Charity
>> Navigator is Doctors Without Borders.
>> > Roger
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Fw: greed
>> > From: "Sue Hovey" <suehovey at moscow.com>
>> > To: "Ron Force" <rforce2003 at yahoo.com>, "Tom Hansen" <
>> thansen at moscow.com>
>> > Date: 10/21/14 00:29:50
>> >
>> >  Oh, dear.  I am so sorry.  I got this from a trusted friend whose face
>> is going to be VERY red when I send him this Snopes piece.  Thanks so much
>> Ron for the information.  Sue hovey     From: Ron Force Sent: Sunday,
>> October 19, 2014 7:13 PMTo: Tom Hansen ; Sue Hovey Cc: Vision 2020 Subject:
>> Re: [Vision2020] Fw: greed     You may wish to refer to the following
>> documentation from snopes.com, which says the information is either
>> outdated and/or outright false:
>> >  snopes.com: Executive Salaries in Charities snopes.com: Executive
>> Salaries in CharitiesArticle compares the salaries of top executives of
>> several large charitable organizations. View on www.snopes.comPreview by
>> YahooRon Force
>> > Moscow Idaho USA
>> >
>> >   On Sunday, October 19, 2014 3:44 PM, Tom Hansen <thansen at moscow.com>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > Although there is one national organizations to whom we donate . . .
>> Disabled American Veterans (of which I am a member) . . . Moscow Cares
>> primarily donates locally and regularly . . . Humane Society of the Palouse
>> . . . Sojourners Alliance . . . Trinity Moscow Food Pantry . . .
>> Alternative to Violence of the Palouse . . . Heart of the Arts, Inc . . .
>> Palouse Habitat for Humanity . . . Latah County Human Rights Task Force . .
>> . to name just a few. We prefer local donations knowing that 100% of the
>> donation will go toward the purpose for which it was intended. We have, and
>> always will encourage contributions to local entities (I dislike the word
>> "charity"). After all . . . "That's What Friends are For"
>> http://www.TomandRodna.com/Songs/What_Friends_are_for.mp3Seeya 'round
>> town, Moscow, because . . ."Moscow Cares" (the most fun you can have with
>> your pants
>> > on)http://www.MoscowCares.com Tom HansenMoscow, Idaho    On Oct 19,
>> 2014, at 2:29 PM, Sue Hovey <suehovey at moscow.com> wrote:  A message
>> worth sharing from Bill Frye, who never sends me anything irrelevant.  Sue
>> H. From: William Frye Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2014 12:22 PMTo: Bill
>> Pryor ; Harold Munson ; Arthur Armstrong ; Syd Brown ; Sue Hovey ; John
>> Cutmore Subject: Fw: greed                    A timely reminder before our
>> generous spirits open up ourwallets…   How many ways can you spell  G R E E
>> MAKECONTRIBUTIONS:   Asyou open your pockets to do a good thing and make
>> yourselffeel good, please keep the following facts inmind:  TheAmerican Red
>> CrossPresident and CEO Marsha J.Evans' salary for the year was $651,957plus
>> expenses MARCH OFDIMESIt is called the March
>> > ofDimes because  only a dime forevery 1 dollar is given to theneedy.
>> TheUnited WayPresident BrianGallagher receives a $375,000 base salaryalong
>> with numerous expense benefits. UNICEFCEO Caryl M. Sternreceives $1,200,000
>> per year (100kper month) plus all expenses including a ROLLSROYCE. Less
>> than 5cents of your donated dollar goes to thecause.  GOODWILL CEO and
>> owner Mark Curranprofits $2.3 million a year.Goodwill is avery catchy name
>> for his business.  You donate to his businessand then he sells the items
>> forPROFIT. He pays nothingfor his products and pays his workers minimum
>> wage!Nice Guy. INSERT:CONTENT:END.00 goes tohelp anyone! Stop giving to
>> thisman. Instead, give it to ANY OF THEFOLLOWINGGO "GREEN" ANDPUT YOUR
>> MONEY WHERE IT WILL DO SOME GOOD: TheSalvation ArmyCommissioner, Todd
>> Bassettreceives a small salary of only $13,000 per year(plus housing)
>> formanaging this
>> > $2 billion dollarorganization.96 percent of donated dollars goto the
>> cause. TheAmerican LegionNational Commander receivesa INSERT:CONTENT:END.00
>> zerosalary. Your donations go to helpVeterans and their families and
>> youth!  TheVeterans of Foreign WarsNational Commander receivesa
>> INSERT:CONTENT:END.00 zerosalary. Your donations go to helpVeterans and
>> their families and youth! TheDisabled American VeteransNational Commander
>> receivesa INSERT:CONTENT:END.00 zerosalary. Your donations go to
>> helpVeterans and their families and youth!  TheMilitary Order of
>> PurpleHeartsNational Commander receives aINSERT:CONTENT:END.00 zero salary.
>> Your donations go to helpVeterans and their families and youth!  TheVietnam
>> Veterans AssociationNational Commander receivesa INSERT:CONTENT:END.00
>> zerosalary. Your donations go to helpVeterans and their families and youth!
>> Make aWish: For children's
>> > lastwishes. 100% goes to funding trips orspecial wishes for a dying
>> child.St. JudeResearch Hospital100% goes towards funding andhelping
>> Children with Cancer who have no insurance andcannot afford to
>> pay.RonaldMcDonald HousesAll monies go to runningthe houses for parents who
>> have critically illChildren in the hospital.100% goes to housing, and
>> feedingthe families.LionsClub International100% OF DONATIONS GO TO HELP
>> sharethis with everyone you can.
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>> > List services made available by First Step Internet,
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>> List services made available by First Step Internet,
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