[Vision2020] Otter Signs Ag-Gag Bill
Scott Dredge
scooterd408 at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 2 22:42:41 PST 2014
Paul writes: 'I'm curious how: [Paul's verbatim post] translates to [Tom's verbatim misinterpretation of Paul's post]'
This happens from time to time because 1) Tom doesn't like you, 2) Tom doesn't want anyone else to like you or be influenced by you (as if we all aren't already stuck in our ways) and thus is attempting to discredit you, and 3) Unless you keep your posts short and crisp with a one line pithy response attached to a graphic, Tom is prone misinterpreting what you wrote which he's done in this case.
In this instance, Tom is trying to point out that you're a hypocrite because he thinks that you're against the NSA spying but 'applauding' Google spying.
Here's my scorecard:
- against NSA spying
- against Google spying
- takes active precautions in attempt to try protect all of his data more securely
- is not vehemently against NSA spying
- is vehemently against Google spying
- is OK with NSA spying if such spying does not violate constitutional protections
- is OK with Google spying if such spying does not violate laws
- is smart enough not to commit to 'all or nothing' hardline rules
My conclusion:
- Tom is the one standout with the inconsistent positions regarding NSA spying vs Google spying
- Ironically, Tom accuses Paul of being a hypocrite
- Further ironically - Tom has it backwards. There should be more concern placed on NSA because fruits of such activity can lead to criminal prosecution whereas Google's goal is simply to sell marketing information to other companies.
Case closed (aka 'Nuff said)
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2014 10:58:46 -0800
From: godshatter at yahoo.com
To: thansen at moscow.com; scooterd408 at hotmail.com
CC: vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Otter Signs Ag-Gag Bill
I'm curious how:
"Which leads nicely into the topic of whether or not an AI Google
should have rights. I would consider having to comprehend decades
of viz2020 archive posts to be a cruel and unusual punishment for
a sentient machine."
...translates to "applauding Google's technical advances and their
(Google's) ability to learn more about a person than that person
knows about him/herself".
Especially after I responded to Saundra describing the precautions
I take against the casual leaking of information. I obviously
don't agree that Google should know more about me than I know
about myself when I block javascript from google-analytics.com and
googleadservices.com. Not to mention peeling off a private window
when i log into Google+, gmail, or Youtube (or Facebook) in order
contain their cookies from infecting the rest of my browsing.
And, yes, I'm sure the interwebs know a lot about me. I have been
online in some form or another since probably the early 90's, if
not the late 80's. I haven't always cared about my online
footprint. Not that I'm Jackal or anything, I just take some
simple precautions when I think about it.
I do applaud Google's technical advances, though. They have some
really sharp customers working for them.
On 03/01/2014 11:32 AM, Tom Hansen wrote:
I don't recall
saying that.
I do recall
recently accusing a Viz subscriber of being hypocritical in
that he expressed (earlier) a disdain for NSA's invasion of
privacy while applauding Google's technical advances and
their (Google's) ability to learn more about a person than
that person knows him/herself.
I personally feel
that Snowden, one of Moscow's (the one in Russia) newest
immigrants, should be charged, tried, and sentenced to a
long, long time in prison for giving away classified defense
information. I know that is exactly where I would end up if
I, while in the Army, did as Snowden did.
I would, though,
like to acknowledge Snowden's new roomie, Viktor Yanukovych
(the Ukraine's man on the run). I wonder if this
arrangement will cause any jealousy in Snowden's boyfriend
here in the Nifty Fifty (USA).
"Roomie, dontcha
do me."
'round town, Moscow, because . . .
Cares" (the most fun you can have with your pants on)
Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho
On Mar 1, 2014, at 10:25 AM, Scott Dredge <scooterd408 at hotmail.com>
Wow! It seems like privacy is a double
edged sword, isn't it? You and Tom recently expressed
your vehement outrage about how wrong and unethical it
was for the NSA to be scanning metadata and for
companies of so-called 'free' services (email accounts,
search engines, etc.) to be recording your activity and
scanning those records for information. And now
unsurprisingly you've flipped-flopped in favor of
surreptitious video taping. Just for the sake of
consistency, please confirm that you yourself have
absolutely no issue with being video taped against
your knowledge on your own property and in your own
home in order to ensure the you are not inflicting
cruelty on <insert any living thing>.
For the record, I find animal cruelty to be
reprehensible and I'm in favor of investigative efforts
by anyone that roots out wrongdoing.
> From: v2020 at ssl1.fastmail.fm
> To: vision2020 at moscow.com
> Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 19:50:32 -0800
> Subject: [Vision2020] Otter Signs Ag-Gag Bill
> Just when I think Idaho can't possibly slide any
further into GOP insanity,
> I'm proved wrong:
> http://www.kboi2.com/news/local/Ag-Gag-Bill-Idaho-Law-Governor-Butch-Otter-D
> airy-247886431.html
> This is beyond disgusting -- although not
surprising -- that in Idaho, being
> a whistleblower is a bigger crime than tormenting
and torturing sentient
> beings. And if you think this kind of despicable
treatment of "farm"
> animals is rare in Idaho, you couldn't be more
wrong. And, if you think
> this kind of abuse doesn't happen right here in
Latah County, you're living
> in la-la land.
> Good job, Otter & you damn GOP lunatics.
We'll now make it a point to make
> absolutely certain none of the meat or dairy
products we purchase come from
> Idaho animals since you've decided to AGAIN
condone animal abuse to protect
> agribuisness. The Idaho GOP has just done perhaps
one of the smartest
> things possible to kill sustainability because
the little guys will pay a
> bigger price than the factory farms when people
like me stop buying animal
> product in a state that values the almighty
dollar over protecting farm
> animals from rampant abuse. It's too bad those
invested in sustainability
> didn't do a better job of speaking out against
the ag-gag bill -- I was
> quite disappointed that while there has been some
effective advocacy against
> GMOs, for raw milk, and in other issues, there
seemed to be very little (if
> any) in-state organized opposition to the ag-gag
bill. At least, according
> to the news articles I read. Pity.
> Saundra Lund
> Moscow, ID
> I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the
more entitled it is to
> protection by man from cruelty of man.
> ~ Mahatma Ghandi
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