[Vision2020] Fw:Reminder: Saturday 6/28, Grasslands trip, between Salmon & Snake Rivers

lfalen lfalen at turbonet.com
Wed Jun 25 17:42:35 PDT 2014

-----Original Message-----
Subject: Reminder: Saturday 6/28, Grasslands trip, between Salmon & Snake Rivers
From: "Whitepine chapter INPS" <whitepine.chapter at gmail.com>
To: "White Pine Chapter" <whitepine.chapter at gmail.com>
Date: 06/26/14 01:51:04

I apologize that we did not get a reminder of this notable trip sent out sooner.  I'm out of state with family medical problems.  Thanks go to Nancy Miller for adding helpful detail to the original announcement.

 - Sonja Lewis

Saturday, June 28, 2014. 7:00 a.m. White Pine Field Trip
Fescue Grasslands on Mud Springs Ridge, located west of Lucille, between the Salmon and Snake Rivers.
Leader: Mike Hays, USFS Botanist, Nez Perce-Clearwater Forest.
Moscow Meeting Place: NW River Supply warehouse parking lot (Old Tidymans store)

This trip is scheduled to catch many plants in bloom, which should include at least the vegetative stage of Silene spaldingii. It will take about 2.5 hours to get from Moscow to Lucille, Idaho. In order to get there at a reasonable hour we will leave Moscow promptly at 7:00 a.m. Meet at the NW River Supply warehouse parking lot (Old Tidymans store) to arrange carpooling. We will also stop briefly in Lewiston at 7:35 a.m. at the Stinker Station, on the east frontage road along Highway 12 just at the bottom of the Lewiston Grade. (Turn left at the first stoplight to get to the station.) We plan to reach Lucille by 10 a.m. and will meet at the old steakhouse parking lot area just south of the north entrance to town. This pull-off fronts Highway 95.

Camping has not been organized, but if you wish to camp or stay in the vicinity Friday or Saturday night, the following are possibilities:

   Iron Phone Junction about a mile south of Cow Creek Saddle west of Lucille has a few primitive campsites with an outhouse.

   Fish Creek Campground 7 miles from Grangeville in the Nez Perce National Forest

   Hammer Creek Recreation Site near White Bird on the Salmon River

   Pittsburg Landing Campground on the Snake River 19 miles from White Bird.

 Note that these last three are all more than 10 miles from Mud Springs. Websites exist for each describing facilities, directions and rates.

Bring a lunch, water, hat, sunscreen, camera, sturdy hiking shoes, everything you need for enjoying the grasslands, native plants, and nature.
For more information, send email or call 208 883 2638

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