[Vision2020] Andrew Appleton

Rosemary Huskey donaldrose at cpcinternet.com
Tue Oct 29 08:29:37 PDT 2013

"This is really a singular, unique event in my life," Appleton told the
judge. "I hope never to be sitting in this court again. I'm deeply sorry."
(stage direction: voice cracking and emotional during the "I'm sorry" part) 

As I sat in the court room at the sentencing hearing of Andrew Appleton I
thought there must be something wrong with either my hearing or my mental
processing of what had just heard.  After listening to Dr. Greg Wilson, a
Pullman psychologist and paid-for-hire defense witness, extol the almost
miraculous "progress" made in Appleton's understanding of his crime wave and
how he (Appleton) now takes "complete responsibility" for his behavior
thanks in large part, according to Dr. Wilson, to a adult sexual offender
relapse prevention workbook he (Wilson) provided Appleton that somehow
provoked in Appleton a deeper insight into his deviant behavior. Further,
Dr. Wilson shared that Appleton currently enjoys a new and currently stable
marriage and "a deep peace of mind" since he no longer has to live a double
life.  Dr. Wilson repeatedly emphasized Appleton's brilliance "he scored
higher than ninety-five percent of the population" in intelligence
assessment testing. Wilson is also deeply impressed with Appleton's
self-treatment (the workbook mentioned above) and progress made in a
self-initiated, self-directed "treatment" program.  Dr. Wilson suggested
that it was unlikely that he was being manipulated by this very bright man
due to his own extensive experience with sex offender diagnosis and
treatment, but that did remain a possibility.  

Bull feathers from start to finish.  How this criminal jackass could
describe at least a year and a half of the sexual abuse of his niece (a
young woman he referred to as his daughter in a WSU class he taught which
makes his crime even creepier - if that's  possible) a "singular and unique
experience" when court documents record hundreds of sexual encounters
(according Judge Stegner) is beyond me.  Appleton spent eleven months
denying his culpability to the court and his posse of eager-to-believe-him
and blame-her pals.   Most criminals are "deeply sorry" and don't enjoy
being called to account for their behavior.  Unrepentant, manipulating
(sociopaths?)  felons probably are sincere when they say they never want to
sit in a courtroom again.  But, most do not throw a party within the past
few weeks for their friends and colleagues (which involved thirty-eight
guests according to Dr. Wilson) to own up to his lies and crimes.  Hello to
the grandiosity aspect of his bent personality, don't you think Dr. Wilson?

Andrew Appleton is on a retained jurisdiction which means after a period of
incarceration at Cottonwood he will be evaluated by the prison staff who
will provide Judge Stegner with an assessment of his behavior and progress.
If the findings are positive he will likely be placed on probation - if not,
state prison is a likely consequence.  I am positive that a master operator
like Andrew Appleton is comfortable with his ability to ingratiate himself
with staff and fellow inmates. Even Steven Sitler, who also has hundreds of
episodes of sexual abuse under his belt, and is not nearly as brilliant as
Dr. Wilson finds Andrew Appleton, made it through the Cottonwood program.  

It is a comfort to me and a benefit to our community that Judge Stegner, did
not appear to be dazzled by Appleton's intelligence nor his recent
contrition.  I am grateful that he didn't agree to the arrangement made by
the prosecutor (what in the world is that about?) and Appleton's attorney
(who, quite aside from his despicable client did a fine job as a defense
attorney - and that if of course, his job) to limited local jail time
(shades of Steven Sitler) and an outpatient therapeutic treatment plan to be
conducted in the Lewiston/Clarkston area or Spokane.  (Dr. Wilson had
explained to the court that Appleton was far too advanced in his own
self-treatment plan and innate intelligence to benefit at all from the
therapy conducted at the Cottonwood facility).  Unlike the jackasses who
allowed Steven Sitler to check out of jail and drive himself to "treatment"
in a Lewiston/Clarkston private outpatient facility, Judge Stegner was
having none of that. 

Judge Stegner's  careful and judicious review of statutes describing
sentencing consideration gave those of us in the courtroom a sense of how a
sentence is selected and imposed.  Given the parameters required by law
Judge Stegner was fair and just in imposing a sentence of one to five years
with a retained judgment.  It is my profound hope that Andrew Appleton will
ultimately serve five long, monotonous, mind-numbing, and miserable years in
the state prison amongst folks who don't give a hang about his remarkable
intelligence, his charming (? ) manner, or his plumy British accent.  Those
years might initiate in him the sense of dread and insecurity that his
victim suffered and that he so clearly deserves.

Rose Huskey

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