[Vision2020] All politics is locally brewed

Kenneth Marcy kmmos1 at frontier.com
Mon Sep 17 15:20:06 PDT 2012


FORGET SOCCER MOMS and NASCAR dads. In November, the presidency could go 
to the candidate who attracts the most craft-beer drinkers.

Don't laugh, because it appears President Obama's re-election campaign 
has already taken note of an astounding phenomenon in 2008 election 
results - with the hope of a suds-soaked repeat in 2012.

It's a stunning and previously unnoticed voting trend that almost 
certainly explains the presence last week of a craft brewer among the 
Democratic National Convention speakers, as well as the recent release 
of the Obama White House home-brew recipes.

Take a look at the following chart:


It ranks the states by brewery density - the number of breweries per 
square miles.

Remarkably, every one of the 25 most densely brewed states voted for 
Obama in 2008. Those blue states account for 335 electoral votes - much 
more than the 270 needed for victory.

Statisticians call this a positive correlation.

This link has the rest of the story:



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