[Vision2020] How things change

Sunil Ramalingam sunilramalingam at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 30 19:45:01 PST 2012

>From Glenn Greenwald today:

"But this is one of the towering, unanswerable hypocrisies of Democratic Party politics. The very same faction that pretended for years to be so distraught by Bush’s mere eavesdropping on and detention of accused Terrorists without due process is now perfectly content to have their own President kill
 accused Terrorists without due process, even when those targeted are 
their fellow citizens: obviously a far more Draconian and permanent 
abuse than eavesdropping or detention (identically, the very same 
faction that objected to Bush’s radical whole-world-is-a-Battlefield theory
 now must embrace exactly that theory to justify how someone riding in a
 car, or sitting at home, or sleeping in his bed, in a country where no 
war is declared, is “on a battlefield” at the time the CIA ends his 

Entire column:


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