[Vision2020] The N.R.A. at the Bench

Andy Boyd moscowrecycling at turbonet.com
Fri Dec 28 11:56:58 PST 2012

Oh yes, what are guns designed to do?



Andy Boyd


From: Gary Crabtree [mailto:moscowlocksmith at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 11:31 AM
To: Andy Boyd
Cc: Art Deco; vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] The N.R.A. at the Bench


"Since the assault weapons ban has been lifted, there have been more violent



I can't speak to "violent crimes" over all as I don't know how it's defined
but gun violence is down. The assault weapons ban had zero effect on gun


"I don't wish to take away all guns. And I don't imagine the benefits, they
are real."


Since you are willing to take away many thousands of guns to solve a problem
that reflects less than two percent of gun violence, how many guns would you
be willing to ban to prevent over sixty two percent? Suicide by firearm only
requires but a single shot. Why would any sane American believe that once
one class of firearm was made illegal that others wouldn't soon follow?
People such as yourself will always have a rationalization for taking away
the rights of others








On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 8:58 AM, Andy Boyd <moscowrecycling at turbonet.com>

Since the assault weapons ban has been lifted, there have been more violent


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