[Vision2020] Knee-Jerk Reactions
Saundra Lund
v2020 at ssl1.fastmail.fm
Thu Dec 20 00:59:40 PST 2012
With respect to the SHES tragedy, Paul's & Wayne's comments about "knee-jerk
reactions" from those of us who are demanding that it's long PAST time to
seriously address gun violence in this nation & Roger's comments about
concealed weapons permits being "better" than open carry were bothersome to
It should come as no surprise to anyone here that if I were willing to
accept any political label (which I'm not), it would most likely be along
the lines of "progressive," but I don't -- and never have -- been a party
voter, and I've never hesitated to take dem elected officials to task the
same way I do repubs as needed.
Also not surprisingly, I get emails about a lot of causes I support that
tend to be progressive. You know, the ACLU, Amnesty International, People
for the American Way, consumer protection & safety groups, Planned
Parenthood, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, UltraViolet, etc.
And, I have to say that in the wake of the SHES tragedy, I've not received a
SINGLE "knee-jerk" email from ANY "progressive" group or even from groups
some would probably consider definitely left-of-center groups. Not a single
I did, however, receive an email that could only in the most charitable
manner be described as a knee-jerk reaction of the worst kind, and I'm
pretty certain some of you here also received it, only you didn't have the
guts to post it and use it as an example of a real knee-jerk reaction.
Do be sure and note the time it was sent: almost exactly 24 hours following
the tragedy.
I've removed the sender's email address, although an Internet search
conducted on parts of the email text immediately following receipt gave a
pretty good (although not definitive) indication of the original source
group. It's also . . . interesting how few hits there are for it now. If I
were a conspiracy theorist, I'd say that the top people in certain circles
demanded that their followers conduct a purge of the thousands of time they
posted & re-posted on their blogs and in their chat groups & listserves in
those 24 hours.
Besides, anyone with connected brain cells can get an idea of the type of
people behind this insanity, the kind of insanity that's rampant in "The
Citadel Project" wing-nuts, the TPers, the militia groups, the reactionary
right, the religious right, the NRA brain-dead, etc.
Finally, a word to the wise: you'd better think twice before you EVER again
try to label as "knee-jerk" the REASONABLE concerns expressed by REASONABLE
people sick of the NEVER-ENDING GUN VIOLENCE made possible in no small part
to the morons who parrot the NRA propaganda, "I'll give you my gun when you
pry (or take) it from my cold, dead hands" and the "all government spending
is bad (except when it goes into my personal pockets)" hypocrites. If you
aren't part of the solution, then you're a part of the problem, no matter
how hard you try to convince those demanding action to bury their heads in
the sand, just like you.
And now, get your puke bag before reading the email below.
-----Original Message-----
From: fremanfighter
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2012 9:40 AM
To: XXX at ssl1.fastmail.fm
Subject: Newtown, Connecticut is the second Dunblane Primary-School
The primary-school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, approximately 45 miles
from the Colt Arms Factory, is just another one in the long line of
government psyops designed to persuade the public to allow the government to
take away their guns, and their means to defend themselves against the
government and the banksters that the politicians really serve.
The small children murders are designed to create hysterical emotions in
women to get them to demand that guns are banned. If that doesn't work they
will continue with their evil agenda with worse and worse atrocities on
younger children, until they get their way and disarm the people, so that
they cannot fight back against government tyranny.
Newtown is the U.S.A.'s Dunblane, which was orchestrated in Scotland in 1996
by the British establishment, to whip up hysteria in order to ban all
handguns from the U.K. It was a follow-up to the Hungerford Massacre in
England in 1987, which was carried out by mind-controlled Michael Ryan, who
then shot himself so he could not be questioned, and it was used to ban
semi-automatic rifles and shotguns.
It's always the same people behind it - the gun-grabbers who want the people
to be defenceless against the gun-grabbers' employers - the banksters who
own all of the politicians. They get their politicians to pass legislation
for them, in order to remove the people's freedoms and means of defending
themselves, and enslave them in a draconian police-state, under a mountain
of debt, and then exterminate the useless-eaters.
The Dunblane massacre was supposedly carried out by Thomas Hamilton, who
was a paedophile and procurer of children, for a high level paedophile ring
involving senior members of the Tony Blair Labour-Party shadow-cabinet and
others. The massacre served two purposes, it achieved their desired
handgun-ban and killed the abused children, so they could not be witnesses
against the elite-paedophiles. They then had the findings of the inquiry
sealed for 100 years, which is proof of the above.
Like Newtown there were two shooters, Hamilton and a hit-man who shot
Hamilton and made it look like Hamilton committed suicide after shooting 16
children, so that he couldn't be questioned. Hamilton was found in the
school gymnasium slumped against a wall and still gurgling, when an off-duty
policeman PC Grant McCutcheon entered the gym and saw two semi-automatic
pistols, one on either side of Hamilton's body.
The autopsy revealed that Hamilton was killed with a .38 revolver. These
people always slip-up with their crimes. There was no .38 revolver for him
to have shot himself with. Thus, there was a second shooter who killed
Similarly, the first reports from Newtown were of two shooters, just like
mind-controlled James Holmes in the Denver Batman Cinema massacre, the story
then quickly changes to just one.
Columbine was similar, in that a team of shooters in black outfits were seen
there and the two accused were on mind-altering prescription-drugs.
Wake up and see the pattern and their modus operandi and don't fall for it.
Never let them take your guns, except from your cold dead hands.
All of these are staged events to whip-up hysterical public support for
banning the people from having guns. It works the same in every country -
Hungerford in England, Dunblane in Scotland, Port Arthur in Australia and
the list in America is endless, because of the Second Amendment and the
people having a pro-gun culture. That makes it much more difficult to break
the Americans' love of guns and the Second Amendment, which was put in place
to protect the people from the government.
Gun bans work well for tyrants. They worked well for Hitler, Stalin and
Chairman Mao, to name just three.
If you want to stop these massacres, wake-up and get rid of the banksters,
their puppet-politicians and all gun-grabbers; arm teachers and ban gun-free
>From one who can see the pattern and hopes to enable you to see it too.
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