[Vision2020] Award Well-Deserved

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Fri Apr 27 11:07:45 PDT 2012

Yes.  I see your point, Marilyn.

Perhaps there exists a historical event analogous to the Idaho Transportation Department's contributory negligence in this matter.

Baffling that, how about . . ,

Seeya round town, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

"If not us, who?
If not now, when?"

- Unknown

On Apr 27, 2012, at 10:43, marilyn beckett <marilynbeckett at gmail.com> wrote:

> I think is sound reasoning by Mr. Arnold. It is a powerful letter Jeanne wrote--a different reference would  have been better.
> m
> On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 10:20 AM, Donovan Arnold <donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I am aware of the remark's origin, Mr. Hansen, as is the entire educated world. And it no less weakens the argument because it is a poor comparison.
> Claiming the excuse, "I need to feed my family" from someone driving a truck to Canada to ship oil, a needed product, is not the same as claiming, "I need to feed my family" from someone who helped slaughter millions of innocent lives against international law and basic human morality. One is far more legitimate than the other. Truck drivers are little more guilty of destroying the earth than you or me for the oil we demand by driving our cars and polluting the Earth. Someday, truck drivers are going to park and people will cry out for them as they run out of everything and anything they need from apples to toilet paper to removal of their own trash.
> Those that use the Nazi comparison weaken their argument. It cheapens the lives that were lost in that great atrocity, nothing compares to it in modern history. It also shows a lack of creativity in comparison and visual illustration when the Nazi comparison is made. It is way over used. Certainly, there are other ways of making a point clear without bringing up Nazis all the time.
> The focus should not be the construction flaggers, truck drivers, the mechanics that put the tires on the trucks, the police, the gas station attendant that let the truck driver fuel this truck or the trees and wind for not blocking their path. It should be on those in political office that allowed the megaloads up 95 and into Canada and corporations that yield considerable power and influence over those politicians.
> Attacking the powerless for the actions of the powerful is a fruitless venture.
> Donovan Arnold 
> From: Tom Hansen <thansen at moscow.com>
> To: Joe Campbell <philosopher.joe at gmail.com> 
> Cc: Donovan Arnold <donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com>; Aaron Ament <aaronament at moscow.com>; Jim Prall <bermanprall at gmail.com>; Lois Blackburn <loisb at q.com>; Kathy Judson <ponysnpups at gmail.com>; Borg Hendrickson <chicory at wildblue.net>; Friends ofthe Clearwater <foc at friendsoftheclearwater.org>; Moscow Vision 2020 <vision2020 at moscow.com>; Jeanne McHale <jeannemchale at hotmail.com>; Fritz Knorr <fritzknorr at gmail.com>; Brett Haverstick <bhaverstick at yahoo.com>; Marilyn Beckett <marilynbeckett at gmail.com>; CherylHalverson <basketmakeart at yahoo.com>; Linwood Laughy <lin at wildblue.net>; HelenYost <helen.yost at vandals.uidaho.edu>; Dr. Dinah Zeiger <dzeiger at uidaho.edu> 
> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 9:55 AM
> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Award Well-Deserved
> Mr. Arnold -
> Basic Logic 101
> "it was just my job" = "I was just following orders"
> The quote on the left was the repeated response, given by management (as well as drivers), to the question "Why?" repeatedly during the past year or so, as the megaloads marauded their way up US95.
> The quote on the right was the repeated response to the question "Why?" repeatedly during the Nurnberg trials, by those defendants charged with crimes against humanity.
> Seeya round town, Moscow.
> Tom Hansen
> Moscow, Idaho
> "If not us, who?
> If not now, when?"
> - Unknown
> On Apr 27, 2012, at 8:44, Joe Campbell <philosopher.joe at gmail.com> wrote:
>> "it was just my job"
> -- 
> "The return of the feminine is not about women ruling society, as that would create imbalance. It is about the return to nature, balance restored, ying/yang united - both hemispheres of the brain working in balance, consciousness."  Alexandria Thames
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